Happy New Year!

I have a feeling that 2011 is going to be one of the best years! There is so much to look forward to! My book sales are just starting to ramp up. I’ve finally found a solid writing process that works for me. I have great friends and an amazing husband. I am so incredibly blessed! Sure, for the moment, we’re still on the cusp of poverty (ha, as my husband likes to say), but hopefully this is the year that all turns around. Plus, money is nowhere near as important as having love in your life – and I have an abundance.

My writing goals for 2011:

  • Write and publish 6 books this year.
  • Keep up with my blog!
  • Continue to learn more about my craft so that I can be a better writer in the future.

Those are my three main goals. Writing 6 books this year is going to mean busting my ass pretty much full time. It means basically a rough draft in a month, then revisions and formatting the following month. Rinse and repeat. I know I can do it, but it’s going to mean a lot of hard work. This is a year of foundation-building for the rest of my life. I can just feel it. Lots of good things coming in 2011!!

I wish you the best as well. May all of your dreams come true this year!

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