Iced In

A bit of a winter storm last night here in North Carolina. I went out to Borders Cafe to write with my critique parter, J, and around 8:45 got a text from my hubby saying “You might want to come home. Getting slick out there.” We shrugged it off, then decided we’d leave in about 15 minutes or so. After all, from the inside of the cafe, it just looked a little bit rainy out. No big deal, right?

The second I stepped out onto the pavement, I knew I had been seriously wrong. It wasn’t rain. It was ICE. I carefully crunched and slipped my way out to my car and for a moment, I was afraid the door wouldn’t open. There was literally a fine shell of ice all over my entire car! I finally yanked the door open and started her up. Then, I searched my car for a crap CD, which I found (some home brew labeled “Trip to GA, upbeat”). I got outside with no gloves and attempted to scrape the ice off my windshield. No, I don’t have one of those scraper things in my car. Dumb, right? But I live in NC, I shouldn’t need it!

Anyway, the CD didn’t scrape off anything. I had to crawl back into my car, shivering, and wait for the defrost to warm up enough to melt the ice. Luckily, J emerged from the Borders minutes later and let me borrow a proper scraper thingy. We waited together for both of our cars to be ready, then took off. I only had a 2 mile drive home, but J had to get on the highway. I think she tweeted me about 30 minutes later saying it was the scariest drive of her life!! Maybe going out to write last night during a winter storm warning was not the smartest idea!!

Today, my husband has been off work due to weather, so we’ve been lounging around mostly. He might even be delayed for work tomorrow due to the ice still on the sidewalks and all. It’s nice to snuggle and sleep in, but don’t ask me to drive anywhere. From now on, I’m staying home. 😛