Bitter Demons Complete!!

Yippeeee!!! I’m shouting for joy over here! Hopefully, I didn’t wake the neighbors, but I can’t help it. I’m excited! I finished the final edits and formatting tonight, and I’ve pretty much been working nonstop all day. It’s about 2:45 in the morning right now and my husband (whom I love very much) is still awake working on the Barnes & Noble formatting even though he has to work in the morning.

Thank goodness for a beach vacation this weekend. Of course, we may end up sleeping the whole time if the hotel bed is comfy. 🙂 As it stands, Bitter Demons is #206 in the Smashwords conversion queue. Hopefully the upload will go smoothly, and I won’t get an error and have to slam my head against the desk all day tomorrow trying to figure out what in the world I did wrong. Smashwords doesn’t tell you where you messed up in formatting your document. They just tell you there’s an error and make you look for it where’s waldo style until you figure it out. KMFX that it goes through on the first try.

I have also uploaded the book to the Kindle store. Yay! It’s currently “in review” and will possibly stay that way until sometime tomorrow – possibly Saturday at the latest. One never knows with these things! I am just so excited to finally get it finished and uploaded. I am very proud of this book. I think it’s the best of the three in the series so far, because the relationships are getting deeper and Harper is finally getting the answers she’s been looking for.

I will post buy links as soon as they are up! Let me know what you think of the book when you get a chance to read it! The price this time around is $2.99. I’m a little nervous about taking the price up, but I’m sure it will all work out.


  1. I already read it and its great and what a fantastic ending. How many books do you plan to have in this series? They are great. And you diffidently deserve a little break after writing such a great piece.

  2. Hi Jenn! There will be five books in this series – at least that's the way I see it right now.

    Thanks so much for reading the series. I'm glad you are liking the books so far.

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