Shadow Demons Update

I know there are a lot of people waiting for updates on Book 4 of the Peachville High Demons series. Last night, I met with my critique group. They critiqued the first half of the book and reassured me that the story is on the right track. I have some revisions to work on after talking to them last night, but more importantly, I am still working on edits for the second half of the book.

I hate to announce another delay. I don’t want anyone to think that I am flaking out or not reliable in any way. On the other hand, the book isn’t ready. I don’t want to publish something that’s not up to the same quality as the first three books. Art is such a funny thing. It can’t really be rushed, so if it’s not coming together as fast as I hoped, all I can do is keep plugging away and keep focusing on the story.

This is something that highlights a difference between Indie authors and traditionally published authors. In the traditional print world, a book is finished and turned in to an editor months and months before it is actually scheduled to come out. Sometimes an author will turn in a book up to a year before the publication date. With self-publishing, most authors finish a book and publish it as soon as possible. That’s what I’ve been doing ever since October. As soon as my critique group and my husband have read the book, I work furiously on edits and revisions, then post the book within a week. The process has been working for me so far, but for some reason, Book 4 has been the most difficult book I’ve ever written.

The challenge is that there are only five books scheduled in this series. I know that everything in Book 4 has to begin pulling all these threads together so that Book 5 can have the huge impact that I want it to have. The end of Harper’s story is very powerful, and I want to make sure I set it up just right. I think that’s why this next-to-last book has been such a challenge.

Basically what I’m saying is that even though the book is progressing and is going well, it’s still not finished. I am not confident enough to give an expected release date at this point except to say that it will be out this summer. I’ve been so nervous to announce this because I really don’t want any fans of the series to be disappointed in me. All I can do at this point is be honest and keep working hard to get the book ready. As an apology for the book being released late, I have decided to post one chapter every Friday from Shadow Demons, starting with Chapter 1. This will be a free read and sort of like short teaser chapters while you are waiting for the book to come out. Chapter 1 will go up this Friday on my blog, so stay tuned!


  1. We as writers must be true to our craft and to ourselves first, or there's no our readers will love the final result. You're doing the right thing, Sarra.

  2. Thanks L.j., I have been so nervous about the timing on this book. I know in the end it will all work out for the best. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Sarra, all I have to say is I know it's going to be worth the wait! Keep focused and when you are ready, the book will be ready and we all will be ready to read away! I'm kind of excited that you decided to release a chapter a week until the book is completed! You are doing a great job and as LJ said you indeed are making the right choice by holding off until you feel 110% right about making a release. I'll be waiting and checking here patiently! Thanks!! 🙂

  4. I was looking forward to Shadow Demons but am still eagerly awaiting the release even though its been pushed back. Can't wait to read the teaser chapters!

  5. I'm looking foward to reading Shadow Demons but would rather wait until you feel its ready than read something that's been pushed out just to make a date.

  6. Your books have been great. Keep up what you have been doing and I know the last 2 book will trun out just as you hoped. Can't wait to read them.

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