Beach Update
Anyone who has been checking back to view my progress has probably been sorely disappointed by the lack of movement on my word meter, ha! I promise, I am working! Just right now, I’m still in the whole looking-over-my-rough-draft-and-trying-to-decide-what-sucks-most stage. I’m working through the plot, doing some soul searching – both mine and Harper’s – and organizing my thoughts so I can write the best possible book I can write. There are some pretty huge answers coming in this book (at least I think they’re huge), so I want to make sure I write them into the story in the most organic, natural way. And, of course, I always want to make sure to stay true to Harper’s character, even if she is in another world at the moment. She’s still the same Harper.
So, that’s my update. No words yet in the 40,000 goal, which is scaring me just a tad, but I’m working hard! Words WILL be updated tonight. I feel like I’m close to finishing this first stage of the revision process and am hopefully about to move on to the next part.
And, on another note, here’s the view from my front porch.
We will try to be patient but…. 🙂