Demons Forever – Rough Draft Update

After my beach weekend, I feel rejuvenated and excited about the final book in the Peachville High Demons series! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been excited about the book, but it’s a love/hate relationship I think. Love because I love these characters and this world. With every book, it reveals more of itself to me. Hate because I don’t want it to end.

It’s so sad to be working on the book and knowing that these are the last weeks I get to spend with Harper. Since this is my first series, I guess I just never realized how attached I would get to these characters. Originally, this series was going to be a trilogy, lol. And now, here we are on Book 6. Hard to believe!

Anyway, you came here looking for an update! My plan for the rough draft is to get about 60,000 words. I know the final book will probably come in somewhere closer to 80,000 words (making it the longest in the series). Right now, I am very close to halfway through the rough draft, yay! I should hit the halfway mark tomorrow. I am sure I’ll be done with the rough draft by the end of this month. Exciting news!!

So, at the end of the month, once I finish the rough draft, I will reveal the beautiful cover for Demons Forever. I should also be ready to announce an expected release date!!! So make sure to come back to my website for updates. You can check my status on the rough draft by looking at the word count progress meter on the right sidebar here and on my homepage.

Are you excited about seeing the new cover? Are you excited about the last book in the series? Or sad to see it end?


  1. So excited to see the cover! Can’t wait to find out what happens next but I’ll be sad to see it come to an end 🙁 Such a fantastic series!

  2. Super excited to see the cover and I can’t wait to read the next book! I am however extremely sad to see it end. I already plan on re-reading the entire series when this final one comes out. I want to read it from start to finish so I can enjoy the series all over again!

  3. I am an 8th grader and I LOVE these books. Once I started reading Beautiful Demons I knew I had to read the series. I just finished reading Rival Demons and I’m ready to see how Harper and the other characters end up in Demons Forever. I also hate to see this series come to an end. I think you are an amazing writer Sara Cannon. Keep writing and posting new books because I would love to read them.

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