My Graphic Novel News!!!!!

So you know that I’ve been keeping a secret from you, but I just signed my official contract yesterday and got the go-ahead to make the big announcement:

The Peachville High Demons series is going to be turned into Graphic Novels by the amazing Sea Lion Books!!!!

The official contract!

I cannot tell you how incredibly excited I am about this. We are all going to get to see what Harper and Jackson and the rest of the Peachville peeps look like through the eyes of some truly talented artists.

If you aren’t familiar with graphic novels, basically they are novels told through comic panels. For examples, click through to see preview pages of the great job they did with Becca Fitzpatrick’s Hush, Hush, and Richelle Mead’s Dark Swan series. It’s insane to me to think I’ll be in such amazing company. They are even currently working with Anne Rice! I feel incredibly honored to be a part of this project.

OMG. I can’t even believe this is really happening! Here’s how it all went down:

We owe it all to the incredible Gladys Atwell, Director of Marketing at Sea Lion Books. She came across the series back in April this year and read all 5 books in less than a week, fell in love with the stories (*blush*), wrote up a proposal to her bosses and contacted me all within 10 days!! I will forever be grateful to Gladys for making this dream come true for me.

And the fun part is just getting started. I can’t wait to see the first teaser images of Harper and Jackson!! I don’t have any details yet about when those images will be available to share, but the actual graphic novels should go on sale sometime next year. I will definitely share images and information along the way so that you guys can see how it’s all progressing.

Signing my very first publishing contract!

There are just so many reasons to get excited about this deal. 1) We’ll finally get to see a visualization of these characters and places we’ve grown to love so much. 2) Since my books are currently only available in ebooks, this will give us a chance to finally own a physical copy of the stories (which I will be MORE than happy to sign for you, btw). And 3) The artists at Sea Lion Books are so incredibly talented. I know they will do an amazing job  with the series!!

Tell me, who or what are you most excited about seeing drawn? Please comment here or on Facebook or Twitter and share with me in this exciting news!!!


  1. I am so glad to here that things are going so good for you maybe after this it can become a tv series. You are an amazing writer and I look forward to reading many more of your books

    1. Ooh me too! I also can’t wait to see how they incorporate Shadowford and the ritual room!

  2. Congratulations you deserve this great opportunity your books are a good read I couldn’t put them down.

  3. Hi! I am new to your blog but heard about your great announcement through Gladys. She is wonderful! I am so excited for you! Sea Lion is just full of amazing talent so congratulations. I admit, I am new to hearing about your series, but I am very intrigued and will be checking it out ASAP!!! Anyway, i just wanted to say congrats on your success, enjoy this great feeling!

  4. Thats super exciting! Congrats!! I’m excited to see the shadow world and the main characters of course! I can’t wait to buy a copy and get your signature! You deserve this and so much more! <3!

  5. Congrats! I can’t wait to see the characters and world come to life especially the shadow world and demons. Can’t wait to check these out. Congrats again! Love this series 🙂

  6. Good for you!!!
    I would love to see all your characters in your new venue-especially Harper and her buds////////////1
    Sue from Idaho

  7. Oh My Sarra, I cannot wait for it to come out..
    It will be so cool if they can visualize Harper and Jackson together.. so cool!!!
    I’ll be sure to get my copy when it comes out!! Nice!! Congrats again!!
    woo hoo!!!!! 🙂

  8. OMG!!! I read this and smiled like an idiot as my mom walked in and asked what was wrong with me!! xD I am so excited for this though!!!!! I have always had different ideas of what the characters looked like and I am so excited to see how they draw them!!

  9. So awesome!!!! I am excited to see images from the Underworld! And I personally think it would be AMAZING if a movie was done on it, say a “Halloween” type special movie event!!

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