Author: Sarra Cannon

SendMe Mobile Ringtone Scam

Yesterday we got our cell phone bill. It was $25 more than usual, and in these times where every little bit counts, we had to look twice at why it was so much more. Some of it was just because we changed our plans. G added on 300 text messages with picture mail to our accounts, which was $5.00 each. Okay, so where did the other added charges come into play? There was a charge on our bill for “SendMe Mobile Ringers”. $9.99. What?? I had never heard of it. But then I remembered something and went digging through my…

Agent and Editor Sign ups!

I have been waiting for today for weeks now since I signed up to go to the RWA national convention in D.C. in July. Every year at nationals, agents and editors make themselves available for appointments to hear “pitches” from authors wanting to get their books published. In the hierarchy of RWA, (Romance Writers of America), people who are up for awards this year got first dibs, then published authors, then PRO authors (which is basically people who have finished novels just haven’t sold them yet but are seeking publication of a work 40,000 words or longer, which mine is…


I did it! I finally reached the $100 mark on google adsense! After 40 something hubpages and a few other places where I put adsense on the web, I finally got to the landmark number that actually means something with adsense. See, if you’ve only got $50 in adsense, it hardly even counts as real money, because you can’t collect it until it reaches $100. And now I did it! When I first started out, I was making about $2.50 a month. Then, it slowly creeped up month by month up until I made $21.00 last month. Already in May…

Three Down, Two to Go: Teyona wins ANTM

One of my guilty pleasures is watching reality tv. Sure, there are some regular shows that I enjoy, specifically Heroes, but for the most part, I like watching competitions. It’s just fun to watch people who really want something compete for a prize (usually money or fame), and each of the shows I love is different in the way they move toward that goal. Unfortunately, however, most of my shows that I love are coming to an end. I haven’t totally been keeping up with every episode simply because I can’t sit in front of the tv every night to…

Ant Invasion!

I went down to the kitchen this morning all sleepy-eyed, ready to cook some eggs for breakfast, and I nearly screamed when I looked at the counter tops. Ants! Traveling all along our countertops in neat little rows, then fanning out all over the damn place. It was my fault, really. I didn’t clean up the salad from yesterday’s meal. I just put the bowls in the sink and said fuck it, I’ll do it tomorrow. That’s when the ants moved in. They must have been watching me from the shadowy depths of the kitchen’s walls, waiting to attack. Luckily,…

New WIP – Young Adult Novel

My new WIP (work in progress) is a young adult novel, and I think it’s starting to drive me insane. I feel like a have a good premise and some good ideas for how the plot is going to go, but I’m having a hard time with some of the other decisions. Like what time do I want to set it in? Present day? The future? And what type of personality do I want my heroine to have? That’s a big one. I have thought of making her more of a misfit. Kind of like a goth girl with piercings…