Author: Sarra Cannon

Sarah Jessica Parker to have twins at 44!

SJP is possibly my favorite actress of all time. I loved her back in the “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” days, and after “Sex and the City” began, I was hooked for life. It’s hard to believe she’s 44 years old, but time flies… and better her than me. Sarah Jessica has been happily married to Matthew Broderick for twelve years, and they are one of my very favorite Hollywood couples. Their son, James Wilkie, is already six years old, and I heard they had trouble conceiving him back then. Well, the happy couple has just announced that they are…

"Hiring Freeze" My Ass

Day 1 of the Great Job Search did not go too well. In the past when I have applied to a restaurant for a server position, it has gone like this: Walk in, say “Hi, are you hiring servers?” If yes, get and fill out an application. Turn it in, talk to a manager. Get hired. Well, not yesterday. I don’t know if it is just a different city or if it’s that it’s been a while since I tried to get a serving job.. or if the economy is really so bad that even restaurants are not hiring, but…

The "J" Word

Yes, it’s time. I am looking for a job. Technically, I already have a job… more than one really. But since no one is lining up to buy my novels just yet, a job that doesn’t pay isn’t exactly going to help us pay for our wedding. Short of draining our savings (which isn’t really an option), this is the only way I can think of to make money for the wedding fast enough to actually get married this year. With our shift in plans from a Caribbean wedding to a longer road trip Vegas wedding/honeymoon, the cost of our…

If it Isn’t One Thing….

Why does it always seem that just when you get one part of your life on the right track, a different part falls to pieces? Some people would call it Murphy’s Law. I don’t really know what I’d call it… other than frustrating and completely unfair. If you get your love life finally settled, you lose your job. You get a little bit of extra money, then you break a tooth and have to spend it all fixing the damn tooth. Those are both just random examples, of course, but it happens. Right? It happens to me anyway, so I’m…

Another "Rejection"

Sort of. I entered a writing contest in the contemporary series category, and I did not make the finals. They sent back the two judges score sheets, and out of a possible 210 points, one judge gave me a 176, and the other gave me a 156. I think the reason the second one was so much lower is because they seemed to count off points because my formatting had some spaces in it or something. That really honestly sucks, because I use open office which is free instead of paying hundreds of dollars for Microsoft Word, and apparently something…

Family Drama

I am home, thank God. This was not my most pleasant trip home ever, I’ll tell you. It started off amazing, but went downhill somewhere at the end of the trip. The first two nights, I spent my time mostly at my brother’s house, hanging out with my sister-in-law and their new, sweet baby. It was great!! I couldn’t have asked for a better woman for my brother to marry, and their baby is the sweetest thing you ever saw. When she smiles, her whole face lights up! It was great to spend some quality time as an aunt. Night…