Author: Sarra Cannon

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig

Don’t ask me where I got that saying… well, okay you can ask. All I can say is that my mother used to say that almost everytime we got home from a trip. I don’t know where she got it, but I always think of it now when I’m heading home. Today I’m on my way again to Georgia to visit my parents and family. I can’t wait to see my niece, who is now almost 3 months old. I am also going to spend one night at my sister’s house. I hate being away from G, but I do…

RWA Registration

Well, I did it! I am officially registered for the Romance Writer’s of America National Conference in Washington D.C. this summer. I have wanted to attend this conference for so many years, I can’t even remember the first time I went to their website to dream about it. It was more than ten years ago, I can tell you that. Writing was always like a secret dream to me. Singing was my out-there, in your face, everyone knows I love it, kind of passion. But writing was the dream I turned to when it was quiet and I felt restless….

Hand Made Crafts – To Try or Not To Try?

For a very long time, I have wanted to try making some hand-made crafts and selling them at flea markets, on ebay, and at craft fairs. From beaded jewelry to handmade cards to personalized picture frames, I love to paint and create cute things. I just do. A while back, somewhere on this blog, I posted a picture of a craft table that G and I made for me in the third bedroom of our house. Since that room is also where my closet is, the craft table/desk has ended up being more of a catch-all clothing sorter. Translation: It’s…

Pirates Seize US Ship

What the hell is happening in our world that now, on top of everything else, we have to start worrying about PIRATES! And I’m not talking about Pirates of the Caribbean. I’m talking about real life, modern-day AK47 carrying pirates who hijack ships, steal cargo, and kidnap passengers for ransom. Now, it’s totally possible that I’m ignorant here and that piracy has been a normal thing for centuries and I’m just hearing about it more over the past year or so because it has been in the news more. I don’t know. I’m thinking that it’s probably been there in…

Gisele Bunchen vs. Bridget Moynahan

I almost can’t believe all of the nasty and negative comments going around the web in regards to the whole Gisele vs. Bridget controversy! If you don’t know about it, I’ll give you a simple rundown of what I know. Tom Brady, NFL Quarterback superstar and definitely super-hunk, was dating Bridget Moynahan for over two years. Bridget, pictured here on the left, is an actress who was in movies like iRobot and Sum of All Fears… but of course, we all know her best as “Natasha” or “The Idiot Stick Figure With No Soul” from Sex and the City. They…

The Wild Rose Press

My pitch with an editor from The Wild Rose Press went very well on Saturday! It’s a very small online press that publishes anything from 7,000 word short stories to full length 100,000 word sagas. Everything they publish is romance, but they publish almost every sub-genre of romance (excluding certain things like homosexual romance, which I never plan to write anyway). Their full-length books go to print as well. I pitched my novella, “Steal My Heart” which is just over 20,000 words. She seemed very interested in the story, said that she’d love to take a look at it and…