Author: Sarra Cannon

Slumdog Millionaire wins Big at the Oscars

After watching the 81st Academy Awards last night, there are now so many movies I want to see! Usually by Oscar time, I’ve seen a great many of the movies up for awards, but not this year for some reason. Maybe it’s a money thing, or maybe it’s just about being so busy… All I know is that now I have a list of at least twelve movies I want to rent as soon as they come to DVD. Hugh Jackman was the night’s host, and he did the best job of anyone since Billy Crystal back in the day….


I got up this morning to let my dog out and it’s raining. For some reason, I am happy to see the rain pouring down today. According to my little weather channel desktop, it’s 90% chance it’ll rain for the rest of the day. Sure, it’ll be a messy day, but there can be something so cleansing about a day of rain also. Of course, come 3:30 when I’m trying to get to a voice lesson, I’ll probably wish it wasn’t raining, but for now, it’s comforting somehow. I think I’ll probably open a window and work somewhere I can…

Reality TV Heaven

If you love watching Reality TV, then you know that right now, there are so many great shows starting up. Almost every single one of my favorite reality shows is either just starting or will start soon. Survivor started last Thursday and the cast seems to be mostly young and energetic. The Amazing Race just started last night, and even though I haven’t actually watched it yet, I did record it and will probably watch it today sometime. American Idol began over a month ago, I think, but this week marks the first real week of America’s votes. Up to…

Hello Kitty Online

If you have been following my random blog, you know that I love to play Everquest 2. EQ2 is in MMORPG, which means Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Hundreds of thousands of people across the globe log in, make characters, and go on quests and adventures to raise their level, get equipment that will help them be stronger and better, and meet new friends. Yes, it is a game, but it’s more than just a game. MMO’s offer a social aspect to gaming that you can’t find on a single-player or even a regular 2-4 multiplayer type game. One…


If you think about it, most of us use some kind of excuse every day. We all make excuses for things we were supposed to do or things we planned to do, but didn’t, or excuses to get out of things we just plain don’t want to do. We make excuses to get ourselves out of trouble and to justify our laziness or our inability to perform. Sometimes, excuses are just to make us feel better about ourselves. If you can honestly get through a single day without using an excuse, either to someone else or to yourself, then you…