Author: Sarra Cannon


Why is it so hard to get back into your routine after an interruption? I was really getting into a groove before I went home to Georgia. Jazzercise every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Reaching my writing goals. Keeping the house clean and organized. Then I went home and my routine that was so hard to get into was practically destroyed overnight. Since I got home, I haven’t been to Jazzercise once. I have felt super tired and have been lacking the energy I had before I went. What the hell happened to me? Why is it so hard to just pick…


Ahhhh!! Last night was so scary for me! G and I went to bed around 1:30 and it was raining with a thunderstorm alert, but I usually can sleep right through that sort of thing. At 3:30 AM I was still awake, holding onto G for dear life. It sounded like the storm was right outside our window, crashing into our back yard. I had the blinds closed, but the sudden flashes of lightning were still visible through the cracks. It was a rough night. This morning, G doesn’t seem to remember me snuggling up to him at all. I…

Baby Day!

When I woke up this morning and actually became coherent (which takes a while for me in the mornings), the first thing I thought about was my friend T!! Her C-section is scheduled for today, and I can’t wait to hear the news that her new baby boy is born and safe!!! I can’t get down there to see her until mid-October, but my heart is with her. Hopefully her boyfriend will give me a call when everything settles down. It is just so neat to think that a brand new life is coming into the world today. I know…

So Glad to Be Home

I had a great time in GA with my family, but I was so happy when I pulled up to our house yesterday and I got to hug my gorgeous fiance! The trip home was wonderful and it is always fun to spend time with my family, but it was so busy the whole time and I feel so incredibly tired today. It took poor G about 20 minutes to get me up this morning and out of bed. I missed him so much. I would have given anything to be able to just snuggle up next to him all…

Another Trip Home to Georgia

I have a list as long as my arm of things to get done today. I am heading down to Georgia again tomorrow and I will be there until Sunday. I hadn’t planned on going home until Thanksgiving maybe, but my sister called and asked me to come home for a “Sex and the City Spectacular”. The local theater is playing 5 of the most popular SATC episodes on the big screen, having cosmopolitans and contests like “best shoe” contest, and then showing the full movie. It’s a six hour Sex and the City evening, all for just $5.00. Of…

New Ideas and an Important Anniversary

Today is officially 2 years from the day that I met G face to face. We had been friends for a while online, but 9/22 is the day we finally decided to meet and see if there was real chemistry. I remember being so nervous and wondering if I was stupid to be driving four hours away to meet a guy from the internet. After I walked off the elevator and saw him, though, all of my fears about him being a psychopath went away. ๐Ÿ™‚ He was gorgeous! We got along so well and had such a great weekend…