Author: Sarra Cannon

Self-Publishing Online Workshop

I get questions all the time about self-publishing, so I thought I’d mention here that I’m teaching a two week online workshop on self-publishing through the Heart of Carolina Romance Writers. The class will run from this Sunday, February 2nd to Sunday the 16th. Everything will take place online, so you don’t have to worry about location! I will be covering everything from the basics to some slightly more advanced techniques. By the end of the class, you’ll have information on how to format, upload, price, and market your self-published book. I’ll also give you a huge resource list with…

6 YA Novels for 99 Cents!

Hey all! I just wanted to let you know that I’m in a box set with some other AMAZING YA authors! This set has 6 YA fantasy/paranormal books for just 99 cents.   Here’s what you get: From me: BEAUTIFUL DEMONS and INNER DEMONS (books 1 and 2 in the Peachville High Demons series) Scott Nicholson’s OCTOBER GIRLS Cidney Swanson’s RIPPLER SM Reine’s SIX MOON SUMMER and ALL HOLLOWS’ MOON (Books 1 and 2 of Seasons of the Moon) Seriously, even if you’ve read the Peachville books, this is still a great deal for only 99 cents, and I would…

Sorrow’s Gift Cover!

Now that Jackson’s novella is finally finished (yay!), I’ve been working hard on the long-awaited second book in the Eternal Sorrows series. SORROW’S GIFT will be out in February 2014! This cover, like all of my Demons covers, was done by the amazing Robin Ludwig.   If you haven’t had a chance to start this series yet, there’s still time before book 2 comes out :). Book 1, DEATH’S AWAKENING, is just 99 cents right now. I have had so many people tell me that even though they love Harper and the Demons series, Death’s Awakening is their favorite book…

A Demon’s Wrath: Part 2 now available!!

Part 2 of A Demon’s Wrath is on sale now! This is the second part of Jackson’s story, which follows his memories of the past from the time his brother Aerden was taken captive by the Order of Shadows. Part 1 was about 20,000 words (or 70 pages) long, but Part 2 is almost twice that at 39,000 words (or about 125 pages). Both installments are on sale now for just 99 cents each. It was so awesome to be back in Peachville and the Shadow World again. I have missed these characters so much. Writing this got me so…

A Demon’s Wrath: Part II

I know many of you have been waiting for this one, so I’m excited to announce that A Demon’s Wrath: Part II will be officially released on Friday, January 17th! I’m putting the final touches on it now and my beta readers have actually read everything except the last couple of chapters. Yay!!! Again, I’m so incredibly sorry to have delayed it a week and a half. Life as a full-time mom is so unpredictable and sickness and late nights tend to get in the way all too often. Thanks to everyone for your patience and support while I worked…

Looking Forward to 2014

I’ve had lots of people asking me what I’ll be working on in 2014, so here we go! Let me tell you, it’s going to be my biggest publishing year so far. I’m definitely challenging myself BIG TIME this next year, and I’m really looking forward to it. These days I feel like I have so many ideas, there’s no way I could write them all in one lifetime. I better pick up the pace if I hope to even try! One important thing about 2014 that will likely make some people sad and others really excited is that I’ve…