Author: Sarra Cannon

Cover Reveal: Death’s Awakening

Cover Reveal: Death’s Awakening

It’s finally here!!!! I’ve been dying to show you guys this cover ever since I got it from the amazingly talented Renu Sharma. We worked really hard on the concept for this cover, but she truly surpassed my expectations. I sincerely hope you love it as much as I do!!! ATOMR tours arranged the cover reveal today on almost 50 blogs, so you might see it around some today I hope! I would really appreciate it if you would comment, share or tweet about the cover if you get a chance. A very sincere THANK YOU to all bloggers who…

Death’s Awakening, Lea’s Story and my Secret Project Revealed!

Death’s Awakening, Lea’s Story and my Secret Project Revealed!

Wow, I have so much news to share! I have been really hard at work on several different projects. In a way, it’s so strange to be writing in someone else’s voice. I’ve been inside Harper’s head for two and a half years, so exploring new voices and characters has really been a lot of fun. So, NEWS!! I have three pieces of news I really want to share with you. 1. Death’s Awakening is coming closer!! Next Tuesday, March 5th is the big cover reveal. I am so excited to show this cover to you. The AMAZING Renu Sharma…

NaNo WriMo Webinar

NaNo WriMo Webinar

Anyone who has followed me long enough knows I am a huge fan of NaNo WriMo (National Novel Writing Month). When I was first starting out as a writer, NaNo was one of the first events that inspired me to let go of my inner critic and just write the story that was in my head. I mean, the slogan is “Thirty days and nights of literary abandon!” How fun is that? No edits. No judgment. No worries. Just writing. I first participated in 2008 and even though I haven’t won every year, I’ve gotten a lot of writing done…

A Year From Now… The 2/2 Challenge

This weekend I had a lunch date with my very good friend, bestselling romance author Zoe Dawson. We have one of those friendships where whenever we get together it’s almost like we can’t talk fast enough! We have so much to say and I think we both inspire each other so much. Zoe was my very first critique partner and even though we aren’t critiquing each other’s work anymore, we still have a great friendship and try to get together at least once a month to talk about our lives and our books. On Saturday (2/2), we talked about our…

Birthday Celebration, Two New Series, and A Giveaway!

Birthday Celebration, Two New Series, and A Giveaway!

I have so much news to share! First of all, Demons Forever has been getting some amazing feedback. I have been totally overwhelmed by all the great reviews and messages. Thank you all so much for supporting the series, and I’m so happy everyone loved this last book. I read every single review and email and Facebook comment. You’ve all truly touched my heart. If you haven’t picked up your copy yet, you can find all the links of where to purchase the book on my homepage. And if you’ve already read the last book, you’ll know there was a…

Demons Forever available in the iTunes/iBooks store!

Demons Forever available in the iTunes/iBooks store!

Yippeee! It really didn’t take Smashwords that long to get it to the Apple store this time. So excited to announce that DEMONS FOREVER, the conclusion to the Peachville High Demons series, is now available on iTunes. Buy it Here. This release has been so amazing. Thank to you all the fans of the series for all the great reviews and the great feedback. So happy all my Apple fans can now pick up their copies too!