Author: Sarra Cannon

Huge ebook Giveaway with Elle Casey!

Huge ebook Giveaway with Elle Casey!

YA author Elle Casey is celebrating her Indie Anniversary with a HUGE giveaway. Over 75 ebooks!!! The first two books in my series are up for grabs, but if you’ve already read mine, there are so many more amazing Indie books on the list! I hope you’ll hop over there and enter to win. Trust me, there are SO MANY books here, you have an amazing chance at winning! All you do is click the banner above to go to her site, browse the available books, then enter to win the books you’re most interested in. Good luck!! Hope you…

A Look Back at 2012

A Look Back at 2012

The new year is almost upon us here on the East Coast in the USA. I just put the baby to bed and opened a bottle of champagne with my husband! It’s been an absolutely amazing year, and I wanted to take a few minutes to give thanks and reflect on all that has happened both personally and professionally. The best part of 2012? I had a baby!!! The moment I first kissed his beautiful little head was the best moment of the year. Maybe my whole life. Of course, the pregnancy was tough with Gestational Diabetes and high blood…

Giveaway Winners!!

Giveaway Winners!!

Happy Release Day everyone!! I have chosen the 30 giveaway winners for the tshirt prize packs!! If you see your name here, you should be receiving an email from me tonight or tomorrow at the latest. You will have 48 hours to email me back to claim your prize. If not all prizes are claimed, I will choose new winners. Congrats to everyone who has won a tshirt prize pack. There will be more giveaways to come in the New Year, including a special giveaway that includes overseas fans!! And remember, Demons Forever is now on sale at Amazon, Amazon…

Demons Forever is On Sale Now!

Demons Forever is On Sale Now!

Yipppeeee!!! I seriously want to shout it from the mountaintop! Demons Forever, the final book in the Peachville High Demons series, is finally available! I hit ‘publish’ earlier this morning and just a few hours ago, it finally went live. I will update this post with new buy links at the various online sites as the book becomes available. For now, though, I am going to get some much needed rest, haha. Happy Holidays to everyone and thanks again for being so incredible! Amazon   |   Amazon UK Barnes & Noble Smashwords   *iTunes fans – I upload to…

The Next Big Thing

The Next Big Thing

Last week, I had a total squeee-worthy fangirl moment when I got a message from the amazingly talented Hugh Howey that he had tagged me for his The Next Big Thing blog post. I’ve seen these questions going around other blogs lately and was even tagged by my fabulous friend Roxanne Ravenel, but hadn’t yet gotten around to answering. Now that I’ve been tagged twice, I have to answer or be shamed forever. First of all, let me say that if you haven’t read Hugh Howey’s WOOL series, you need to stop what you are doing right now and read…

Demons Forever – Coming December 21st! Plus, Another Giveaway!

Demons Forever – Coming December 21st! Plus, Another Giveaway!

I am so incredibly excited to announce the new release date for Demons Forever. Friday, December 21st! I have been working as hard as I can to get this book ready and to make it the ending Harper deserves. I am so nervous, but hope that you will love this book as much as I do. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everyone’s patience and support throughout the past few months as you waited for the book to be ready. You guys are truly the best fans in the entire world, and I love you! My final edits…