Author: Sarra Cannon

Delay in Demons Forever

Delay in Demons Forever

I know this news is going to be very disappointing for many of my fans. I know that many of you have been waiting since January for this final book in the Peachville High Demons series and were very much looking forward to tomorrow’s release. Unfortunately, I have to delay the release. I avoided posting this until today, because I honestly thought maybe I could still get it out on time. I have been working non-stop around the clock to finish the final edits and rewrites, but today as I read through one final time, I realized the book simply…

Demons Forever in One Week!!

Demons Forever in One Week!!

Hi everyone!! I’m sorry I haven’t been around much, but I’ve been working so incredibly hard on Demons Forever. I want every little detail to be perfect. Plus, I’m not one of these writers who has the book completed and ready a month or two ahead of time and sends it out to editors, etc. I am a last-minute kind of gal, LOL. The truth is, I work very well under pressure. It can be incredibly stressful, but it’s also very fun. 🙂 With each release in this series, I’ve ended up rewriting entire sections of the book in the…

100,000 Books Sold!!!!!!!!!!

100,000 Books Sold!!!!!!!!!!

I literally could not put enough exclamation marks at the end of that title!! I am in shock. As of this week, I have officially sold 100,000 ebooks. When I first made the decision to self-publish back in late August 2010, I never dreamed I would ever sell that many books. I was honestly scared to death that no one would like my books and that I would have nothing but one-star reviews, ha! Instead of self-publishing the book I’d just submitted to Kristin Nelson (and gotten rejected), I decided to write something totally new. A murder mystery about an…

MILESTONE: 100,000 Sales. The numbers.

I remember a time when selling a hundred books was the most exciting thing in the world. I had actually sold books to people who were not my family!! Unbelievable! To see a number like 100,000 just makes me so incredibly grateful and happy. I never thought I would sell a thousand books, much less a hundred times that. (For my celebration giveaway, click over to my Sweetie Chronicles Blog to enter.) So how did I do it? I know that as a new self-published author I would always look to blogs and sales figures for ideas and for hope….

Myrtle Beach Write-A-Palooza!

This afternoon, I am heading to Myrtle Beach with my little family! It will be our first trip away with the baby, and I’m both nervous and excited. The reasons for our last minute get-away were three-fold. I want to celebrate signing my graphic novel contract with Sea Lion Books!! I am going to hit 100,000 all-time sales any day now. It would be fun to do that at the beach. Most importantly, the beach always inspires me to write. With the deadline for DEMONS FOREVER coming up soon, I wanted to have a really productive weekend. Because of all…

My Graphic Novel News!!!!!

My Graphic Novel News!!!!!

So you know that I’ve been keeping a secret from you, but I just signed my official contract yesterday and got the go-ahead to make the big announcement: The Peachville High Demons series is going to be turned into Graphic Novels by the amazing Sea Lion Books!!!! I cannot tell you how incredibly excited I am about this. We are all going to get to see what Harper and Jackson and the rest of the Peachville peeps look like through the eyes of some truly talented artists. If you aren’t familiar with graphic novels, basically they are novels told through…