Author: Sarra Cannon

Indie Book Fair 2012!

Indie Book Fair 2012!

Did you find a new Kindle, Nook, or iPad under the Christmas tree? Browse the Indie Book Fair and find a new ebook to break in that reader! These great new books were released Nov 2011-Feb 2012 by Indie authors, priced right so that taking a chance on a new author doesn’t have to break your wallet. (Check out my previous Internet Book Fair for other great Indie finds.) [Indie = self-published or small-publisher, for the purposes of this post, because no matter how we’re published, we’re all in this together, trying to get the word out about our books] Note: Links are given for Amazon, but most authors publish across…

Featured Post on Bargain Books for your Nook!

Featured Post on Bargain Books for your Nook!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you had an amazing holiday with your family and continue to enjoy some vacation time or relaxing time as the new year approaches. I am on vacation, but wanted to mention that BEAUTIFUL DEMONS is being featured today on Bargain Books for your Nook! This is a great new site that features good bargains for Nook that are $4.99 or less. Perfect just in time for the holidays when I’m sure so many people received their first ereaders. Please hop over and check it out and if you haven’t read the first book in my…

Rival Demons Release Date

Rival Demons Release Date

Last week, I had a long talk with my critique group about the timeline for RIVAL DEMONS. We set up dates for when I need to get the completed book to them, and then when we are going to meet to go through the book with their comments. I’m so excited that there has finally been some movement on this book and that I can finally give you a release date!!! January 20, 2012 Rival Demons will be published by January 20, 2012!! I know it’s a lot later than I originally planned, but life happens and time slips away…

More Updates!

More Updates!

Hi everyone! I think I have finally hit a much better place in my pregnancy. My energy is coming back, and so is my motivation with writing. Whew, that was certainly a tough first few months! A lot of people told me that I would start to feel better in the second trimester, and now that I’ve hit the 13 week mark, I really am feeling so much better. I hate to think about the fact that I’ve left so many of my fans waiting for the next book. I never intended to take so long to get Book 5…

Cover Reveal!! RIVAL DEMONS

Cover Reveal!! RIVAL DEMONS

While I still don’t know a final release date for the book, I did want to go ahead and give you a look at the cover for Book 5 of the Peachville High Demons series. I have to tell you, this is one of my favorite covers of the series because it’s the first one where the girl is looking straight on to the camera. To me, it fits this book perfectly because as you’ll see, in a lot of ways, Harper’s eyes are being opened to the ways of the Order and to her own destiny. I hope you…

Book Review: Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison

Book Review: Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison

I know I already try to keep track of the books I’m reading through Goodreads, but I thought I would also put some thoughts on these books up on my blog. Especially when what I read is mostly Young Adult fiction anyway. Since I’ve been feeling a bit less than ideal lately, my husband suggested I spend more time reading. His goal, of course, is to try to get rid of some of the mountain of YA books I have stacked around the house, haha! Our rule is that when I finish a book, I have to give it away…