Author: Sarra Cannon



I have seriously been slacking when it comes to blogging and social networking. I’ve barely been posting on twitter or facebook recently. Bad Sarra. I promise it hasn’t been all happiness and roses here, though. I’ve been having some major morning sickness (something I have learned is grossly misnamed since it lasts 24/7), which is making it difficult to get a lot of work done. I have never been one to handle nausea well. I’m a wimp about it actually. And my life has been nausea city these days, haha. Yes, I know, excuses excuses. Where’s the next book? LOL….

The Newest News from Amazon – Kindle Owner’s Lending Library

I got an interesting email today from Amazon. They announced that Amazon Prime members, in addition to already receiving free shipping and getting some streaming media, will now also be able to borrow books for free from the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library. There are limits, of course. You can only check out one book a month. There are no late fees or anything like that, but you do have to return your previous book in order to get a new book. Also, there are a limited number of books currently available in the lending library. From what I’ve heard, it’s…

The Newest News from Amazon – Kindle Owner’s Lending Library

I got an interesting email today from Amazon. They announced that Amazon Prime members, in addition to already receiving free shipping and getting some streaming media, will now also be able to borrow books for free from the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library. There are limits, of course. You can only check out one book a month. There are no late fees or anything like that, but you do have to return your previous book in order to get a new book. Also, there are a limited number of books currently available in the lending library. From what I’ve heard, it’s…

My BIG Personal News!

My BIG Personal News!

This is going to be another personal post, along with a brief update on RIVAL DEMONS. First of all, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who left comments and sent me messages when I opened up in this post about my personal journey with PCOS and infertility. As I said before, I have wanted to have a baby for a very long time and even though my husband and I had been trying for quite a while, we had not been successful. I told you that we were preparing for our first round of IVF (in vitro fertilization)…

Happy One Year Anniversary, Beautiful Demons!!

Happy One Year Anniversary, Beautiful Demons!!

I’m a little late with this happy birthday celebration, but as of October 29th, it’s been exactly one year since I first published BEAUTIFUL DEMONS!!! The decision to become an Indie author and self-publish my books in ebook format was a huge decision for me. Like most writers, I had always wanted the validation of seeing my book in a physical bookstore and having an agent or editor tell me they loved and believed in my work. It took a lot of time and hair-pulling to finally move beyond that false idea of validation and realize that my future was…

Catching Up

Catching Up

Wow, I’m so sorry I’ve been annoyingly absent from the interwebs for a few weeks. If you read my earlier post, Pouring My Heart Out, you know I’ve been taking some time to deal with a very personal issue. After some self-reflection, I feel that I am ready to rejoin the writing world and start blogging again! For anyone who is interested, I will hopefully have an update about my personal life and my journey toward having a baby sometime in early November. In the meantime, I thought I would post a few updates about what’s been going on with…