Author: Sarra Cannon

Amazon’s Big News!

If any of you have been on the fence about whether to buy an ereader or a new tablet, now is the best time ever to jump into the ebook revolution. Amazon announced a while back that they were going to do a press conference this morning and everyone was anticipating their unveiling of a new tablet, but Amazon actually announced 3 new offerings today. An ad-supported Kindle at only $79. What?! Yes, I’m serious about this. For less than eighty bucks, you can have a Kindle. And don’t worry, the ads aren’t scrolling while you read your books or…

Pick Your Purse!

Pick Your Purse!

Sorry for the delay in blogging. I’ve been taking some time off to focus on my family and getting ready for IVF. First off, I want to just say thank you to everyone who read my previous post and has supported me. I got such an outpouring of love and hugs from comments, email, twitter, facebook, everywhere. Thank you so much everyone, you have no idea how much that means to me! I have been taking the time I need to just relax and de-stress, so I’ve been staying away from my blog and from my novel for a bit….

Pouring My Heart Out

Pouring My Heart Out

Ah, faithful blog readers, I have been keeping things from you. I have been trying to act like things are normal and that I am one hundred percent focused on writing. I have been trying to pretend that even though I’m going through some tough personal things, I can still be superwoman when it comes to churning books out. Unfortunately, it all caught up with me this week at the beach. The week I thought would be a huge breakthrough week for me, one where I would write 40,000 words and get ahead on my book deadline, actually turned out…

Wednesday Update from the Beach

Wednesday Update from the Beach

I spent the day today reading back through Book 4 and living in Harper’s head for a while, trying desperately to get out of my own. I finally sat down this evening to start some word sprints with my friends and quickly got to just under 3,000 words, which is definitely an improvement. At this point, however, with only 3 days left in the trip (one of them being only a half-day), I’m pretty much certain I won’t be able to reach my initial goal of 40,000 words. Still, I am hoping the rest of the week is all about…

Beach Update

Beach Update

Anyone who has been checking back to view my progress has probably been sorely disappointed by the lack of movement on my word meter, ha! I promise, I am working! Just right now, I’m still in the whole looking-over-my-rough-draft-and-trying-to-decide-what-sucks-most stage. I’m working through the plot, doing some soul searching – both mine and Harper’s – and organizing my thoughts so I can write the best possible book I can write. There are some pretty huge answers coming in this book (at least I think they’re huge), so I want to make sure I write them into the story in the…

Beach Week Progress

Beach Week Progress

I thought it would be fun to keep everyone updated on my progress at the beach this upcoming week! I created a word meter where I can update how many words I’ve written on the revised version of Rival Demons. I’ve set a humongous goal for myself this next week! 40,000 words! It’s not going to be easy, but I know I can do it if I work really hard. Please check back throughout the week to see my progress. I’ll be updating it a few times per day. Feel free to leave encouraging messages for me, as I know…