Author: Sarra Cannon

I did it!!

I did it!!

It’s just shy of 2:00 AM and I’m calling it. Write-a-palooza is officially over! Originally, I started with a word count yesterday afternoon of 10,593 words. I was feeling down about how far behind I was on my rough draft, but now, I can say that I’m right back on track. Yesterday, I ended with a total word count of 15,644, meaning I wrote just over 5,000 words yesterday. Today, I ended with a grand total of 25,658 words!!! That means I wrote a total of 10,013 words today, with a 2 day total of 15,065 words. Wow! I don’t…



My pre-write-a-palooza is officially over since I’m heading to bed. I wrote exactly 5021 words tonight! That’s actually quite impressive since I also took time to work out. I’m definitely happy with that number! So, according to my husband’s rules for write-a-palooza, that gives me an added 5 packs to the 5,000 word reward tomorrow, bringing it up to 8 packs of the HK trading cards (or $24). The 10K reward now goes up an additional 10 packs for a whopping total of 20 packs (or $60) plus the 5k reward since I win both if I make it to 10,000…


I am now officially embarking on a me only write-a-palooza. I’m way behind on my rough draft work for DEMONS FOREVER. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been thinking about it ALL the time, but the thinking has only translated so far into about 11,000 words. My self-imposed deadline now to finish the rough draft is September 5th, which is only 13 days away. I’ve got to get crackin! So over lunch today, my husband suggested a fun challenge for me. Since he is, after all, my muse, he likes to find ways to encourage and motivate me. And since he knows…

Guest Interview at Cabinet of Curiosities

Guest Interview at Cabinet of Curiosities

Hi everyone! I’m coming out of deep writing mode to say hello and let you know that I have was interviewed by the fabulous writers at Cabinet of Curiosities today. My guest interview is up, so please stop by, ask questions, say hello and learn more about me! Their questions were really fun and I got to say a lot about myself and my writing, so I hope you’ll join us on their blog today! Interview with Indie Author Extraordinaire Sarra Cannon!

July Sales Numbers

Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been slack on posting. I also still haven’t managed to separate my self-publishing blog from my regular writing blog, so I apologize to fans who don’t really care about this stuff, haha. Hopefully there are some of you writers out there still finding value in seeing what my numbers have done each step of the way. I feel like as self-published authors we should stick together and help each other however we can. This is just one small way I hope to help. That being said, July was one of those amazingly, almost-can’t-believe-it, omg-I-might-faint kind of…

Inner Ear Fiasco

Inner Ear Fiasco

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven’t updated the blog much this week, but on Monday I had to go in to the doctor because I’d been having dizzy spells and feeling super tired. Turns out there was fluid on my inner ear causing some equilibrium issues. Yuck! I’m still feeling a little bit off today, and this week has been mostly about resting and trying to get healthy. I also found out today that the reason I’m so tired is that I’m severely deficient in Vitamin D. Fun! No, no, not fun. At least I know there’s a reason behind it,…