Author: Sarra Cannon

Las Vegas!

Las Vegas!

Taking a quick moment to say hello from Las Vegas!! G and I are having an amazing time together on our vacation. Sorry I haven’t been posting much this past week since the book came out, but I’ve been relaxing and giving myself a much-needed break. I thought I would take a moment this afternoon to upload a few pictures I’ve taken of our trip so far! Here is me eating a mini-baguette at Le Village Buffet in the Paris hotel: It was delicious! We also went to the Sugar Factory in the Mirage and I bought a Hello Kitty…

Shadow Demons Available now on Kindle!!

Shadow Demons Available now on Kindle!!

I’ve been hitting refresh about a million times today! Finally, Shadow Demons is now available on Kindle! When I search the Kindle store, it still doesn’t come up in search, but if you follow this link, SHADOW DEMONS, you should be able to find it! So excited!!! Yes, that’s a lot of exclamation points, but I feel that exclamation points are in order. 😛 Now, I’ve also got lots of butterflies in my stomach waiting to hear what everyone thinks of the book. I hope you love it! Shadow Demons is also available now on Nook and on Smashwords. If…

How To Get an Updated Version For Your Nook

How To Get an Updated Version For Your Nook

It has been brought to my attention that both Books 1 and 4 had formatting errors in the Nook versions that led to pieces of chapters getting chopped out. I’ve found the problem now and have uploaded new, corrected versions of the books to the Barnes and Noble website. If you have a Nook and have already purchased these books, you can follow the instructions below in order to re-download the freshly corrected copy to your Nook or Nook for PC app. NOOK: Go to “My Library” Scroll to the book on the top menu, then on the bottom scrolling…

Shadow Demons in Nook Store!

Shadow Demons in Nook Store!

Shadow Demons is now officially on sale in the Barnes & Noble Nook store!!! It just went live a few minutes ago, and I am so excited (and nervous!). If you have a Nook and have been waiting for the book, here is a link to the download page: SHADOW DEMONS Thanks for all of the great support. I will post another update as the book becomes available for Kindle and in the Smashwords store.

Shadow Demons is Finally Done!

Oh my God, this is the best feeling in the world! Shadow Demons, Book 4 of the Peachville High Demons series, is finally finished! I feel really good about the final version of the book and am so glad I took the extra time it needed to come together. I have officially uploaded the book to Kindle, Nook and Smashwords stores. Typically, they can take anywhere from 24-72 hours to list the book for sale on their sites. I will be posting updates here, twitter, and on my facebook page as the book becomes available at each site, so check…

No Friday Excerpt

No Friday Excerpt

Just a quick post in case anyone was waiting for a free chapter from Shadow Demons this week. I won’t be posting a chapter this weekend because the book will be coming out in the next couple of days! Yipppeee! I am currently on page 137 of the final revisions pass. I’m working on the scenes my critique partners felt needed some work, and I’m getting closer and closer to the end! Anyway, this is just a brief post because I want to get pack to the novel. I wanted to make sure no one was out there wondering where…