Author: Sarra Cannon

Welcome to Crazy Town

Welcome to Crazy Town

This is what my life is like on the eve of a new book release. Crazy Town. Last night, I met with my critique group (until 1 AM, so thank you guys for staying so late!) and there is some serious work to do to whip this book into shape. They all agreed that this book is great, but there are a few scenes that aren’t quite working. After they all left, I combed through each of their notes, page by page and transferred all of their comments to my master document. For each scene that needs rewriting/tweaking, I put…

Official Update on Shadow Demons

Official Update on Shadow Demons

Hey everyone! Hope you had a great weekend. I, for one, worked my little buns off trying to get SHADOW DEMONS ready to publish. As you know, book 4 of my Peachville High Demons series has been the toughest book I’ve ever written. For the longest time, it simply wasn’t coming together. I wrote the entire first draft and still never felt that the real story was coming out. For the first month of revisions, I wanted to tear my hair out. Luckily (whew!), the novel finally revealed itself to me and I was able to rewrite the ending (and…

SHADOW DEMONS: Chapter 3 – A Pair That Looked Just Like This

SHADOW DEMONS: Chapter 3 – A Pair That Looked Just Like This

I’m posting a little bit late today, but I have a good reason. I was up until 5 AM this morning finishing the second round of edits for Shadow Demons! It felt so incredible to finally hit that final moment in the book and know that it has finally all come together. As you know, this fourth book has been a struggle for me, but I feel like it’s really close to being ready now. I am working tonight to go through with one last polish before I hand it over to my critique group for their opinions. We have…

MILESTONE: 25,000 Books Sold!!

I am so excited to post that I have officially sold 25,000 total copies of my ebooks since I first self-published BEAUTIFUL DEMONS back at the end of October, 2010. In less than 8 months, I have become an author with a small but growing and dedicated fanbase. It’s truly a dream come true! Back in March when I hit the 10K milestone, I made a prediction that if I was lucky, I would hit 25K sold in June or July. Here I am, right on time, and so excited I can’t see straight. This week, Amazon announced that self-published…

SHADOW DEMONS, Chapter Two: Then Who?

SHADOW DEMONS, Chapter Two: Then Who?

It’s Friday again, and I have another teaser chapter of SHADOW DEMONS to give to you! Like I mentioned last week, this isn’t by any means the final edit of the chapter, but it’s very close to what you’ll find in the book once it is published. I am already more than halfway through this round of edits and feeling good about the direction of this book. I’m definitely getting closer and closer to a release date, so stay tuned for more news! If you haven’t read chapter one, you can find it here. Then Who? Mary Anne led us…

21 Days to Vegas

21 Days to Vegas

My husband and I are going to Las Vegas in exactly 21 days! I am so excited I can barely see straight. The only other time I have been to Vegas was for our wedding in December of 2009. We had been hoping to go back for our 1 year anniversary, but between family obligations and my new career getting started, we weren’t able to make it. Instead, we decided to go for G’s bday. Right now, I am working hours and hours a day to make sure SHADOW DEMONS comes out before we leave. I have no doubt that…