Author: Sarra Cannon

Self-Publishing Resources

On Saturday, I gave a talk on self-publishing at my local Romance Writers of America meeting. Our local chapter is the Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, and I have been a member of the group since 2007. If you are a writer in the Raleigh/Durham area, I highly recommend joining or at least coming for a visit. I had such a great time talking about my experiences so far as an Indie author. For the talk, I decided to put together a series of handouts and walk-throughs people could refer to if they were interested in learning more about self-publishing….

SHADOW DEMONS, Chapter One: Vengeance

SHADOW DEMONS, Chapter One: Vengeance

As I announced earlier this week, I have decided to release one chapter a week until the release of SHADOW DEMONS, Book 4 of the Peachville High Demons series. Most of you who read my books already know that my chapters are pretty short, but hopefully this little teaser about the start of the book will give you some insight into the path this story is going to take. I’m excited to release Chapter One: Vengeance today on my blog! NOTE: This isn’t the absolute, final edited version of the chapter. It’s just what I have right now as I’m…

Best-seller Sandwich

This morning I was happily checking my Amazon page to see if I had any new reviews and to check my sales rank. It’s part of my morning routine and it always makes me happy just to see my book online and realize that one of my greatest dreams in life has come true. I’m an author! But this morning held a sweet little surprise of chance. When I checked the sales ranking for BEAUTIFUL DEMONS, I saw that I was back in the top 1000 ebooks on Kindle. Usually when that happens, my book goes into the Top 100…

Shadow Demons Update

Shadow Demons Update

I know there are a lot of people waiting for updates on Book 4 of the Peachville High Demons series. Last night, I met with my critique group. They critiqued the first half of the book and reassured me that the story is on the right track. I have some revisions to work on after talking to them last night, but more importantly, I am still working on edits for the second half of the book. I hate to announce another delay. I don’t want anyone to think that I am flaking out or not reliable in any way. On…

May Sales Numbers

May was a rough month for me. Don’t get me wrong – it was still a great month. Every month that goes by since I first decided to self-publish has been like a dream come true. I love the freedom that self-publishing gives to me. I love creating the stories I want to write and never having to worry that an agent or editor won’t like them. I only have to think about the reader. It’s awesome. On the other hand, writing books this fast isn’t easy. I fully intended to get Book 4 out before the end of May,…

Georgia Trip!

Georgia Trip!

I am driving home to Georgia in the morning to visit my family and friends. Since Shadow Demons is STILL not finished and uploaded to my critique group, it looks like I’ll be working more than I will be vacationing, haha. I am going to do my best to stick to my delayed date of June 10th for publishing, but it’s definitely going to be tight. I’ll be gone until next Friday, at which time, hopefully, the book will be finished! I’ll be at the beach this upcoming weekend, so I can only hope that the beach acts like a…