Author: Sarra Cannon

How to get Updated Book Covers on Your Nook

How to get Updated Book Covers on Your Nook

In light of the new covers I just released for my Peachville High Demons series, I thought I would talk about how to get these new versions onto your ereaders. Anyone who buys the series new will automatically get the updated version and the new covers, but for a fan who already owns the series, the process is a little more complicated. It’s not super difficult, though, so I’m going to write about what I’ve learned so far. With the Barnes & Noble Nook, getting the new covers is super simple. All you have to do is go to the…

Getting An Updated Version of An Ebook On Your Kindle

Getting An Updated Version of An Ebook On Your Kindle

My new versions of the first three Peachville High Demons series are live! I have had a few people ask whether they would have to buy the books again in order to get the new versions. Luckily, the answer is no. The bad news is that it is a little more difficult to get the new/updated version than I would like for it to be. Apparently, at this time, once you purchase an ebook through the Kindle store, that’s the version you own. Even if you delete the ebook from your Kindle and have it re-sent, it will continue to…

Updated Versions and New Covers

Updated Versions and New Covers

Just a quick note to let you know that I have finally uploaded new versions of all three books in the Peachville High Demons series. This is something that I’ve been meaning to do for a long time, but the process was a little more involved than I originally anticipated. In order to make the formatting process easier, my amazing husband has been writing his own programs to help automate the formatting. It’s been a work-in-progress since the first book came out in October. The original BEAUTIFUL DEMONS manuscript had a minor formatting error where some of the paragraph returns…

Book Cover Reveal! Book 4: SHADOW DEMONS!

Book Cover Reveal! Book 4: SHADOW DEMONS!

I know there are a lot of people waiting for Book 4. I hate to keep you waiting, but at least I can now give you the fabulous new cover for the fourth installment of the Peachville High Demons series. In Peachville, there’s a fine line between good and evil.That line is about to be crossed. I am so excited about this book. One of the main reasons is that it’s the next to last book in the series, so things are finally starting to become clear. So far in the series, it’s been difficult to tell who is really…

Book 3: BITTER DEMONS – The New Cover!

Book 3: BITTER DEMONS – The New Cover!

Day 3 of the big cover redesign brings us to Book 3 in the Peachville High Demons series – BITTER DEMONS. There were so many great symbols to use here, it was hard to choose just one. I considered the image of a crow, but then decided against it. Finally, I picked the black rose. In the interest of making it look a bit more like the other covers, we went with a silvery rose instead of a straight out black one, but I’m happy with how it turned out. So, any thoughts? Are you loving the theme? All five…

New Cover for Book 2: INNER DEMONS

New Cover for Book 2: INNER DEMONS

Thank you so much for all of the encouraging words yesterday when I revealed the new cover for BEAUTIFUL DEMONS! I was so nervous to hear what everyone would think of the redesigned covers, but I’ve had nothing but positive feedback. Thanks to everyone who chimed in with your words of support. Today’s cover reveal is Book 2: INNER DEMONS. I love the dagger on this cover! It looks so much like what I picture the ritual dagger in the books to actually be. I also love that the cover model is more polished. Since Harper has just learned to…