Author: Sarra Cannon

Ereaders Just Keep Getting Cheaper

It amazes me that some people are still in denial about the future of books. People who continue to cling to the idea that paper books will dominate publishing for many years to come should open their eyes and take a quick look around them. Evidence of the ebook revolution is everywhere. And it’s happening even faster than I ever dreamed. Today, for example, I was perusing the Sunday fliers from the paper. I was looking at the CVS flier and thinking about possibly going to buy some Easter candy when I noticed an ad for an ereader called the…

Peachville High Demons Promo Items!

Peachville High Demons Promo Items!

I have some exciting news! I’ve been working on some prize packs for a “spirit week” in the days leading up to Book 4 of the Peachville High Demons series. I am planning 7 days of giveaways, and have started ordering all the items that I’ll be giving away. For starters, I designed some bookmarks with the following tagline: In Peachville, even the cheerleaders have a dark side. On the back, it lists the names of all five books in the series, along with the months they either were released or will be released. I also signed all the bookmarks….

20 Minutes At A Time

20 Minutes At A Time

I’ve been sitting at my local Panera most of the day writing. I wanted to take a little break from SHADOW DEMONS for a few, so I’m hiding out on my blog. When I first started writing full time (about three years ago), I had a really hard time motivating myself to work all day. I never realized how hard time management could be. I always thought that people who worked for themselves were just so lucky and they had it so easy. God, was I wrong! Working for yourself and setting your own hours is HARD. It definitely has…

Call Me Indie

On his blog this week, Nathan Bransford brought up the question: Who should have the Indie Label: Self-Publishers or Small Presses? It’s a good question. As a self-proclaimed Indie author, I thought I would throw in my two cents. I think in order to really look at the term, you have to look at how it’s used in other venues. Like Indie Rock for example. The funny thing is that when I started googling ‘Indie’, I realized that there is some level of controversy surrounding that term in both music and films. No one is sure whether it should be…

Writing Through the Rough Spots

Rough drafts are always difficult for me. I constantly worry that the story isn’t going the way it should or that things aren’t ever going to come together. The more books I write, however, the easier it becomes to trust my process. SHADOW DEMONS is my fourth book in the Peachville High Demons series, but overall, it will be my sixth completed novel. I feel like after several years and all those manuscripts, I’m finally starting to get the hang of it. But every day isn’t sunshine and puffy clouds. I set a plan to write 2,000 words a day,…

Shadow Demons Update

Shadow Demons Update

Book 4 is starting to get interesting! I’m a little less than halfway through the rough draft, and this is the part where I really start to know what the story is about. I always start with some idea of what’s going to happen in the book, but somewhere along the way, everything changes. When I start a new book, even if it’s part of a series like this one, I spend the first few weeks being absolutely certain that I have no talent and that this book is going to suck. The story doesn’t seem to be coming together…