Author: Sarra Cannon

Golden Heart Calls Tomorrow

Golden Heart Calls Tomorrow

In 2009, I attended my first RWA National Conference. Until that point, I had no idea just how important the Golden Heart contest was. Then, on the final night of the conference, everyone got dressed up to watch the awards ceremony. It was truly an eye-opening experience. In that moment, I realized just how prestigious and career-changing a Golden Heart could be. In my heart, I set a goal to work as hard as I could to become a Golden Heart finalist. The scary part is that there’s a whole lot of luck involved. Each entry gets five judges, and…

A New Series

A New Series

I’ve started kicking around the idea of releasing the first book in a new series. I have this fear that if I put out the last two books in the Peachville High Demons series without starting something new first, people will write me off. Forget me. There won’t be anything for my growing fan-base to look forward to and I’m worried I might lose momentum. Here’s where the tough part of the decision comes in. I don’t want to postpone my last two books in the PHD series just to get another book out. Pushing back the release dates would…

Speaking of Numbers…

As of this moment, I have officially sold over 1,000 copies of each of my 3 ebooks on Amazon! I just remember Joe Konrath putting a list of people on his blog earlier this year (or maybe last year) who had sold at least 1,000 ebooks. I remember there being a star * beside the names of people who had sold over 1,000 copies of more than one book. Ever since I read that, I have had this idea that when I could sell at least 1,000 copies of each of my books in a month, I would definitely be…

Lucky Numbers

My hubby and I have been talking about taking a trip back to Las Vegas. As you know, that’s where we got married in December 2009, and it was one of the most fun trips we’ve ever had. We are hoping to go back for a number of reasons. Number 1, G’s bday is in July and we could go during that week to celebrate. Number 2, My Peachville High Demons series will either be complete or close to it by the beginning of July. At that point, I’m thinking I will at least have the rough draft of Book…

Milestone: 10,000 Ebooks sold!

Tonight, I hit another huge milestone in my career as an Indie author. As of midnight tonight, I have sold a total of 10,154 ebooks!!!!!!! It took me about four and half months to reach this milestone, which to be honest, was a lot faster than I ever dreamed it would happen. This is the total sales for all three of my Peachville High Demons series books. I haven’t separated them out to see how the sales break down in terms of x amount sold of book 1, etc. but I know they go in order. I’ve sold more of…