Author: Sarra Cannon

Good Start To Shadow Demons

Tonight, I finally sat down and got started on Book 4, Shadow Demons. Getting started is usually one of the hardest parts. I always struggle with finding the right place to start a novel, but in the end, I always end up rewriting the beginning. Every single time. So this time I’ve decided to stop stressing about the beginning and just enjoy writing. Enjoy getting back into Harper’s world. My plan is to write at least 1800 words a day. I know this book is going to be a little bit longer than the others since the story continues to…

How I Plot My Novels

Since I’m at the very beginning of plotting Book 4 of the Peachville High Demons series, I thought I would do a post about the way I plot a novel. In writer’s circles, there is a lot of talk about whether you are a “plotter” or a “pantster”. Basically, a plotter is someone who plots their novels out ahead of time. Often, these plots are detailed and exact down to each scene and character motivation. A pantster is someone who writes ‘by the seat of their pants’. No plot. Maybe a general idea of the central story action, but nothing…

Movie Thoughts: Battle L.A.

Movie Thoughts: Battle L.A.

G and I just got back from watching Battle: L.A. I really enjoyed it. It was a pretty typical war type movie, but with aliens, which is always fun. In some ways, it reminded me of Cloverfield with the shaky camera and running through the war-torn streets to try to find safety. I guess you could say it was like a combination between something like Black Hawk Down and Cloverfield. The story follows Staff Sergeant Nantz, a rugged military man who has put in his twenty years, seen combat overseas, and is ready to retire after losing several men on…

Ready to Start Book 4

Ready to Start Book 4

I think I’m addicted to writing. I mean, I always loved it, yes, but now that I’m actually out there publishing and getting feedback and reaching out to actual readers? I’m addicted. I want to write more and push the boundaries of my own imagination and creativity to try to write something better than anything I’ve written before. Now that Book 3 of the Peachville High Demons series is out, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Book 4. Even though I’ve given myself a week off, I still am thinking of the characters all the time. This weekend,…

February Sales Numbers

February was my best month yet! The numbers continue to grow, and I couldn’t be more excited. I was honestly shocked at how many books I sold, especially in the last week of the month. And to top it off, February is a short month. I can’t wait to see what will happen in March since there are 31 days. One exciting thing to mention for the month of February is that my third book, Bitter Demons, came out on February 24th!!! It went live in the B&N store on the 25th and in the Kindle store on the 26th….

A Perfect Weekend

This past weekend in Wilmington/Wrightsville Beach was unbelievable. After working so hard to get three novels written and published in only six months, I needed a vacation. G and I decided to take just a short two-hour trip to the NC coast. We got a cheap room at the Hilton through Priceline and arrived late Friday evening. It was a great first night going to a pub for dinner and a drink, then relaxing at the hotel, but Saturday was one of the most perfect days of my life. Zero stress. Only happiness. We got to sleep in and if…