Author: Sarra Cannon

What Would A Teenager Do? (WWTD?)

I’m currently hard at work on the second half of my first act, which I call Sequence 2 according to Alex Sokoloff’s movie structure. As for what’s going on in my story, basically the world is falling apart. This strange virus has killed millions already, and they are predicting the numbers to raise to possibly billions dead by the end of the month. The news, of course, is still not reporting the truth. They are hoping to keep people calm and hopeful that a vaccine is almost ready. In truth, no vaccine is even close and most of the people…

Jenny Craig Week 5 Results

Well, not as successful this past week. I didn’t lose, but at least I didn’t gain either. My total stays at the 11.2, which is still more than 2 pounds average a week. For some reason, I was just super hungry all week. Maybe it was partly that I was so good for a month and the “rebel” in me just wanted to eat something bad? Or maybe it was that I was being so successful in my weight loss and my writing that my inner critique said “Wait a minute! You don’t deserve to be happy!” and turned my…

Back to Poetry

No, I’m not doing anything crazy like giving up on my novel just to write poetry. Even I know that poetry is the fast train to poor unless you’re a college professor or a trust fund baby. But I was thinking about it the other day, and I realized that I really miss poetry. Ever since I can remember, I was writing poetry. Especially when it came to love :P. I have a whole book of bad poetry written for old boyfriends and crushes back in middle school and high school. God, I think I even went so far as…

Writing Frenzy!

Yesterday, I was able to get together with my critique group and write for hours, and it was AWESOME! We went over to E’s house and were all three set up in the living room with our laptops. What’s so awesome about writing with other like-minded writers in the room is that when you get stuck, there’s someone there to bounce ideas off of. Also, there’s just that energy and the sound of little fingers clicking away at the keyboard. It gives me the desire and the passion to keep going. All in all, I wrote about 15 pages yesterday!…

Book 10: The Stand

Last night I finished the epic Stephen King novel, The Stand. In a word? It was BRILLIANT. I read the long version that was published something like 10 years after the original. Story goes that the publishers thought the book was too long when he first turned it in, so they made him cut about 100,000 words. Later, after the book was such an enormous success, he went back and published it in full. That is the version I read. 1138 pages. I doubt there are many people who don’t know the premise of The Stand, but I’ll try to…

Jenny Craig – One Month Results

As you know, I joined Jenny Craig about a month ago! The program has been surprisingly easy to stick to. Mostly, I attribute that to the food being so good – and also the fact that I can eat things like cheesecake and double chocolate cake that taste almost like regular non-diet foods. As of yesterday’s weigh-in, I have officially lost 11.2 pounds! We also did some measurements around my bust, waist, abdomen, and hips when I first started. I won’t tell you all those measurements :P, but I will say that every month they measure you again to see…