Author: Sarra Cannon

Sandra Bullock’s Husband is A Dumbass

Surely, you’ve heard about the drama surrounding Sandra Bullock and Jesse James, right? It’s pretty much THE news these days, and I think it’s because of the shocking timing. I mean, shouldn’t this be the happiest days of her career? She’s an immensely talented actress who can pull people to the box office to see her latest film just by name alone. She’s so beautiful and young and fresh-faced (even though she’s really what? 40-something? Amazing.) We all know that she’s great at romantic comedy roles like Gracie Lou Freebush in Miss Congeniality, but we also all know that a…

New Phone!

I was so tired of my old phone. It was a Sanyo and when I picked it out, I was swayed by the cool outer display and the shiny pink color. The battery life was really good too, but I had been using the phone for two years. In this day and age where phones are so advanced and varied, it was like torture to carry around the same boring phone for two years! Okay, so torture might be a strong word. But I wanted a new one, regardless. This month, our two year Sprint contract expires. If we were…

3 Months of Marriage! Plus… Contest Disappointment.

G and I have been married for three months today! It’s crazy how time flies! We really are made for each other, and every day that goes by, it just becomes more and more obvious how much we love each other. I just had a dream the other day about us going to Vegas, and I realized just how much I miss it. Sure, we were only there for a week, but it was like a dream. Of course, I think we’d feel that way just about anywhere that we could get away, just the two of us. Wouldn’t it…

Writing My Novel: Sequence One Done!

A week ago, I wrote about how I’ve been using the advice of Alexandra Sokoloff on structuring my novel. Well, using the screenwriting tricks she talks about on her blog, I have planned my novel structure. It comes out to eight sequences and a total of 4 Acts (okay, so most people say 3 Acts, but I say 4 just because it makes it easier for me to figure things out). For my young adult novel, I am shooting for about 80,000 words, which works out perfectly with 8 sequences – roughly 10,000 words per sequence. Of course, the beginning…

Signed Up for Jenny Craig!

Yesterday, I made a very big decision for myself. I went down to the local Jenny Craig center and signed up for a year! In the past, I have tried Weight Watchers, and even though it seemed to work for me pretty well when I was in Indianapolis a long time ago, I haven’t had any success on it since. On the other hand, I have heard such amazing things about Jenny Craig. Since you eat their food for almost every meal, your portions and calories are already counted out for you. Is it expensive? Absolutely. If I lose the…

Book 6: The Forest of Hands and Teeth

I might be cheating a little bit here. I actually picked up Carrie Ryan’s The Forest of Hands and Teeth last year at the NC Literary Festival where she was speaking. I really enjoyed her and hearing what she had to say, and I was very excited about reading her book. It is one of the only YA zombie books out there that isn’t about zombies at prom or zombies in high school, etc. Instead, Ryan’s unique idea of setting a book generations after the zombie apocalypse really caught my eye. Sadly, even though I started it last year, I…