Author: Sarra Cannon

2 weeks

Just 2 weeks until we leave for Vegas! In fact, at this time two weeks from now, we will already be on the first leg of our trip. I’m pretty sure that means a plane to Detroit. I can hardly wait! There’s still so much to do before I go, but I’m working on my list one thing at a time, trying not to feel too overwhelmed. Last night, I made giant hairbows for my neice who is going to be one in January. I have never tried to make bows before, but they actually turned out exactly like I…

NaNo Failure

Well, folks, I didn’t make it. NaNo WriMo ended at midnight last night, and instead of furiously writing, I was laying in bed, reading my newly checked out copy of Suzanne Collins’ “The Hunger Games”. Am I upset? Not really. I got a good chunk of my novel down this month despite the busy season and the upcoming wedding. I’m proud of that. Now I have a better idea of how the novel is going to progress. Is there still a lot of work to do? Absolutely. But mostly, it will wait until G and I get back from all…

Crunch Time

19 More Days!! It’s so hard to believe that we’re leaving for Vegas in barely more than two weeks. We’ve been planning this trip for so long, and it’s so close now! Basically, though, I realized this weekend that it’s crunch time. I am running out of time to lose weight and get my skin perfect and get rid of those terrible tan lines on my shoulders, etc. There is so much I want to do before we go, and even though the world won’t stop turning just because I don’t get them done, I really want to give my…

Golden Heart Entry

Today, my Golden Heart entry goes into the mail. It has to be in Texas by the 2nd, and I’m not taking any risks by sending it any later – especially with the Thanksgiving Holiday coming up. Last night, I sat down before I printed the final copies of my partial manuscript so that I could go through the check-list, check for grammar and spelling mistakes, and make sure I ended with a “hook”. At 55 pages max, the partial and synopsis need to really grab the reader, so a hook at the end can’t hurt, right? It’s been just…

29 Days until the Wedding!

I can’t believe we are now actually under the 30 day mark! I am so excited! Since our wedding is also a vacation at the same time, I know that we are going to have such a great time. And… what’s even better is that our wedding is going to be so stress-free! It’s already paid for (as of yesterday’s call to pay the final balance at the chapel of the flowers), and we’re going to be so relaxed! One thing I love about this relationship is that we almost never argue. Sure, some people like to say that arguments…

Harlequin Horizons? You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me

Upsetting news from Harlequin, a publisher I have idolized for so long. Earlier this week (or was it last week?) they announced an epublish division called Carina Press. I wasn’t too upset about it, because it’s just another way they can publish novels. No advances, fine. That’s the way most epubs do it anyway. But two days ago, H announced a new endeavor – Harlequin Horizons. They are promoting it as a self-publishing venture, but it’s really a misnomer. It’s what most people would called a vanity press – which is a publisher who asks you to pay money for…