Author: Sarra Cannon

Wedding Shoes!

Next on my wedding to-do list was a pair of comfortable, yet cute shoes that I could wear while walking around Vegas after the wedding. I don’t want to wear high heels because I don’t want to look too much taller than G in the pictures, so I was really looking for a pair of tennis shoes. But not clunky ones. Something pretty. Impossible, right? Well, I remembered that my friend B bought some very cute tennis shoes that were sort of shaped like ballet slippers and might have been Sketchers. I started poking around on the internet and found…

NaNo Update: First Goal Reached!!!

12,631 words so far! Yay for NaNo! It’s amazing how much you can do when you give yourself permission to suck! This month, I am not allowed to do my neurotic, change my plot a thousand times thing or rewrite the first chapter six times and then throw it all out and start over. No, this month, I have to keep on trucking, whether I like what I’m writing or not. I have to keep writing until the word count says 65,000. Yes, I know that NaNo is all about the 50,000 words in a month, but call me crazy,…

Feeling Yucky

Basically, I just wrote a long post about how I’ve felt yucky all week. It’s no secret. Cramps, fever, yucky. But seriously, who wants to read about that? So I deleted the post and instead, I’m leaving you with this. It always makes me feel better to hear this song. It’s not the words, really. It’s the beat. Awesome song.

Wedding Invitations are finished!

Last night while I watched the Biggest Loser, I finally sat down and finished putting together our wedding invitations. That basically involved attaching the vellum overlay to the floral-printed cardstock with a ribbon, then adding a little touch of sparkle in the form of a red rhinestone, and finally putting it all (along with a little card that has info about the website) in an already addressed envelope, sealing it up, and adhering a flower seal on the back. It took me almost the full 2 hours to get all sixty invitations done, but I am happy with the final…

NaNo: Day 3

NaNo WriMo is off to a strong start. The President, Chris Batty (? did I spell that right? /shrug) gave the advice to start strong early, to pump out as many words in the first few days as possible. Why? Well, because at the beginning you have a lot of energy and are pumped up for the new story. A week in, however, you start to realize that writing 50,000 words in a month isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. You start to feel tired and uninspired. That’s when having a huge start can really help. On…

NaNo WriMo has Begun!

It’s officially that month again where over 150,000 writers from all across the globe vow to write a 50,000 word novel in just 30 short days. I was counting the minutes until midnight, chomping at the bit to get started on Pandemic, my YA zombie apocalypse novel. I’ve been working on ideas for this book for so long that I can’t believe I’m actually writing it now! It’s 1:17, but with the change in time, it’s really already 2 hours and 17 minutes into November. I couldn’t believe it when I looked up and I was already 2709 words and…