
So Close To The Next Milestone!!

So Close To The Next Milestone!!

September is going to be one of the most exciting in my publishing career so far!! As of the beginning of this month, I have sold 97,579 books! I am so incredibly close to the HUGE milestone of 100,000 paid sales, and I have no doubt I will hit it within the next couple of weeks. In fact, I’m still waiting for my August sales figures from the iTunes store, which could push me up as far as 99,000 or more. EEEEEEK!!!! I honestly can’t believe this is happening. And the fact that I’m this close before I’ve even hit…

Demons Forever Giveaway Winners

Demons Forever Giveaway Winners

I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who entered the giveaway, commented on the post and supports the Peachville High Demons series! You guys ROCK! I can’t tell you how much I sincerely enjoyed reading all of the sweet comments. Thank you for being so understanding about the release date and for being as excited as I am about this final book in the series. The winners of the 2 free Demons Forever ebooks were chosen by and are: a Rafflecopter giveaway Congratulations to Cari P and Marsha T. for winning the two free ebooks! If…

Demons Forever Release Date!

Demons Forever Release Date!

The number one question I’ve been asked in emails and on facebook and twitter over the past several months is: When is book 6 coming out? Trust me when I say that it’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot too! Life with a new baby is not easy, as I’m sure many of you ladies know! I’m not meaning to make excuses, but I’ve had a rough time of it since Andrew was born. I won’t go into all of the details, but I’ve had three separate infections that have left me with fevers and exhaustion. That means…



Life as a new mother is all about balance. I want to spend as much time as possible with my beautiful new baby. On the other hand, I also want to maintain some form of my life before baby. In those first few weeks, I had a lot of teary nights when I wondered, “Will I ever be ME again?” Those emotional moments were no doubt very hormone-filled, so I can’t entirely be blamed, haha. Still, there was some truth in that fear. I am a lot of things. Writer. Wife. Music-Lover. Horror-Film-Connoisseur. Reader. Now I just have to learn to…

Sweet Baby Andrew and Getting Back to Work

Sweet Baby Andrew and Getting Back to Work

Hi everyone!! I know it’s been a ridiculously long time since I posted, but I have been enjoying my maternity leave and settling into life as a new mother. As an update, my sweet little man was born June 12th at 6:04pm weighing 9lbs, 3oz. That means he just turned one month old, which is super hard to believe. Here are a couple of cutie cute pics of him (just because every proud mama needs to share pics of her baby!). Isn’t he the cutest?? I know I’m biased, but he really is a precious baby. (Oh, and please ignore…

75,000 Books Sold!!!

It’s been a while since I did a sales update, but wow, this year has already been so amazing! I posted back in February that I had hit a sales milestone of 60k sales. I didn’t expect to hit another milestone so quickly, but as of this month, I’ve officially sold 75,000 ebooks in my Peachville High Demons series!!!! The two biggest boosts in sales for 2012 so far this year have been 1) the release of Rival Demons, book 5 of my Peachville High Demons series back in January and 2) Beautiful Demons (book 1) going free in all…