
New Covers!!!

New Covers!!!

I am so excited to announce that my new covers for the Peachville High Demons series are ready! I got the final approved files today, and I couldn’t wait to show them to everyone. I have decided to show one cover per day since it’s Tuesday and I have four covers and four days left in the week. Today’s cover is BEAUTIFUL DEMONS, Book 1 of the Peachville High Demons series. This one is my favorite of all four! I absolutely love the photo and the contrast. To me, the cover portrays the mystery/paranormal element of the book really well….

Shadow Demons Update: Unexpected Delays

Shadow Demons Update: Unexpected Delays

I have some sad news to announce today. While I completely intended to release Book 4: Shadow Demons in May, the book simply isn’t ready. After a very stressful weekend of worrying about it, I finally made the decision to hold off and publish the book in June. Overall, the delay is only going to be about 2 weeks. Right now, I’m officially pushing back the release until June 10th. I am so sorry to push it back! I get messages every single day from people asking when the book is coming out, so I know some of you are…

April Sales Numbers

What a rollercoaster! After such an amazing month of sales last month, I had no idea what to expect during the month of April. I was pretty sure that my huge jump in sales during March was due to the release of my third book toward the end of February. Without another new release in April to bolster sales, I had a feeling they would slow down. And I was right. Since I first starting publishing in October, I have tried to set a standard for myself of writing and publishing a new book every two months. No easy task,…

The Royal Wedding!

The Royal Wedding!

I stayed up all night last night watching coverage of the royal wedding. It’s not everyday that you get to witness a true fairy tale! With all the news focused on things like murder and death and gas prices and war and everything bad and tragic happening in the world, it was such a beautiful experience to see hours on end of joyful celebration and happiness. Catherine Middleton grew up as just a normal girl. She never knew she would be in the public eye, and she probably never dreamed she would someday become a Duchess and a Queen-in-waiting. Yet,…!

Last week, Amazon opened a Kindle store in Germany! It was so exciting to log in to my Kindle sales report and see a new tab added for Amazon has had a Kindle store in the UK for a long while now, and while I have sold some copies there, it’s been minimal. So far this month, I’ve sold about 30 copies of my books in the UK, but hey, 30 copies is still better than none! And to suddenly have another venue to sell in makes me very excited! On Sunday night, I had my very first sale…

Amazon’s new “Top Rated” Ranking and A Giveaway

Today when I was obsessing over my Amazon sales rank, as I tend to do daily, I noticed a new feature! In the product details area where the general sales rank is listed, it now also lists the average customer review as well as what categories your book is “top rated” in. From what I understand, there has been a Top Rated tab for a while now, but the information has been somewhat buried. A user had to go to the Bestseller lists for a category first, then click on the Top Rated tab. Now, Amazon is including these rankings…