
Heat Advisory – Again

Ugh. The August heat is killing me. I keep hoping to wake up to a day of cool rain or nice 80 degree weather. Instead, my weather channel desktop gave me the ominous storm sound this morning when I turned my computer on – heat advisory today that the heat index will reach 105-107 degrees. Seriously? Again? It’s sweltering out there. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for Fall. I’m also super happy I don’t live in Georgia right now.

Thinking ahead to NaNo WriMo

What’s that? It’s only August, you say? And National Novel Writing Month is still several months away? Yes, yes, but it’s never too early to start planning! Having recently finished my YA novel, Pandemic, I am looking ahead to my next project. (Other than querying and trying to sell said YA novel, of course.) If you aren’t familiar with NaNo WriMo, it’s one month out of the year where thousands of writers across the globe attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. 2010 will be my third year participating. I won my first year with a novel…

The Value of Critique Groups

For a new writer, joining a critique group can be one of the most important decisions you make to advance your writing skills. Shortly after I first joined RWA two years ago, I also met my first critique group. They have taught me more about my writing than I ever could have learned so quickly on my own. I probably would have learned it eventually, but there’s nothing like having almost weekly feedback on what’s going wrong and what’s going right in your current work. Recently, I joined a second critique group that is (if it’s possible) even more awesome-cakes…

Pitching at Conferences

Pitching face-to-face with an agent or an editor is one of the best ways to get your material on their desk. With the experience fresh in my mind, I thought I would share some tips about how it works, what you should wear, whether or not you should be nervous, and whether the stress is worth it. First things first. Before you even sign up for an appointment, do your research! Make sure the person you are meeting with represents or publishes the type of novel you are pitching. Also, make sure your book is finished. Pitching an unfinished book…

RWA 2010 – Heart of Carolina Pictures

A fun time was had by all at the RWA 2010 National Conference in Orlando! Here is a slideshow of some of my favorite pictures from this year’s conference, featuring the beautiful and talented women of Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, the Raleigh, NC chapter of RWA. I tried to get by and say hello to all of our authors at the signing, but somehow I missed taking pictures of Alexandra Sokoloff (who was looking so good in her sparkly top btw) and Beth Williamson. Also, I could have sworn I had pictures of our fabulous Deb Marlowe, one of…

An Amazing Conference

I had an amazing time at the RWA National Conference! Of course, I got home yesterday and crashed for about five hours, then slept like a baby last night in my own bed, but it was worth any loss of sleep! I met some amazing authors, fellow YARWA members, spent time getting to know people who have the same dreams as me and are working to get published and also talked to writers who are in the position I WANT to be in someday. It’s an amazing networking opportunity and I am so happy I went. I have a feeling…