
Late Night Magic

There’s just something special about writing late at night. It could just be me, but once everyone in the house has gone to bed and it gets dark out and quiet, I slip into this zone. Like last night, for example. I’ve been struggling with getting this battle scene down, but last night I went over to one of my critique partner’s apartments (emergency critique session at 11 PM… don’t ask) and after we talked about her chapters, I set up my laptop and started writing. I only wrote for about an hour, but guess what? I wrote over 3,000…

Writing A Pitch

There are all types of skills you have to learn in order to pursue being published. As if writing, say, A NOVEL, isn’t difficult enough, you also must learn how to write both a brief (4 page’ish) synopsis and a longer synopses (10-15 pages). It sounds easy enough, right? What’s 4 pages, really, compared to an entire novel? Yeah, you try slimming down your baby with all its plot twists and intricately carved out characterizations. It aint easy. And you know what’s even worse? Writing a pitch/query letter. Now that my novel is nearly complete and ready to start submitting…

My new Tattoo

Okay, so maybe it’s just too hard to stay away! I was planning to start a new blog that was totally dedicated to writing, but I’m too attached to the sweetie chronicles. I need my morning blogging fix! G and I just got back from a week in the Outer Banks with my family. It was fun, not completely drama free, but fun. And guess what? I finally got a tattoo! It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time, but since it’s kind of, well, permanent, I figured I should have a good design and an…


I know that I have been absent lately from blogging, but it’s been a busy few weeks. I’ve been writing like crazy, went to the beach for a week for George’s best friend’s wedding, and now I’m just out of the habit of writing every morning. The truth is, I would love to start a brand new writing blog and leave this one behind. On the other hand, it’s hard to let go of a blog I’ve had for a couple of years. On the other, other hand… well, only about six people read it anyway. 🙂 So, long story…

Sex and The City 2: Review

Last night, my husband and I went to see the 12:01 am showing of SATC 2. It made me so happy to see the girls again and to check in on what their lives are like these days. It’s so weird how fictional characters can seem so real. Overall, the movie didn’t quite live up to my expectations, though. It wasn’t as emotionally satisfying as the first movie, so I missed that punch in the end that I have come to expect from Sex and the City – you know the part that makes me cry. But on one point…