
Winter Wonderland

Another snow! That’s three decent snows this year! The first one was the best because it was more like six inches that stuck around for a few days, but a little snow like we had last night is fine too. I think it’s so beautiful as it’s coming down. I stepped outside this morning and it almost sounds like it is raining – which has to be from the fact that the snow is already starting to melt. How sad. But totally understandable since just last weekend it was fifty something and sunny. Actually, I think it’s supposed to be…

Snickerdoodle’s Hair Cut!

Snickerdoodle got a hair cut! And boy did she need it!! OMG, I wish I had a “before” pic so that you could see just how out of hand she had gotten. Her hair was wild, and I mean seriously wild. She had this ever growing collection of undercoat or just shaggy hair that kept leaving little white puffy balls of hair all over our carpet. And her nails were crazy long. (I hate to cut dog nails, so scared I will hurt them!) So yesterday, I bit the expensive Pet Smart bullet and had her groomed. *So hard to…

Extra Purple Me

Saturday I decided to go super-purple. When I first put a purple streak in my hair, I was just testing it out to see how it looked. But the truth is that just one visible purple streak didn’t feel like enough. I wanted more. So Saturday, I took the leap. I pulled out six individual sections of hair and bleached them, preparing to make just those sections purple. But then G suggested that I just put the purple everywhere. That way, the purple would go really purple on the bleached places, but just a subtle purple on the brown hair….

Book 5: Shutter Island

I notoriously have several books going at once, but sometimes that is the mark of a so-so book. If I can read three other books while I’m also reading yours, maybe yours just isn’t the best book I ever read. On the other hand, sometimes it means that I’m just not in the right mood for that particular book. Such seems to be the case with “The Gunslinger”. My sister bought G and I the entire Dark Tower series, and I started to read the first book, but I just haven’t really been in the mood. Maybe I just got…

Random Snow

Woke up this morning to a winter wonderland! Sure, they said there was a possibility of snow last night around 9PM, but when I got out of my writing group’s meeting at 10, there was nothing but cold out. Everything was nasty and wet from the rain all day, but there was no sign of snow. This morning, however, it’s snowing these big, puffy white flakes and the ground is completely covered in snow! How unexpected! I wish we could both stay home and just enjoy it today, but G has to work, of course, and I have so much…

A Week Away

Sorry for the week-long absence. I have been going between busy and sick, feeling alternately depressed and ill. I promise to be back next week, strong again with daily posts.