Indie Writer Resources

Call Me Indie

On his blog this week, Nathan Bransford brought up the question: Who should have the Indie Label: Self-Publishers or Small Presses? It’s a good question. As a self-proclaimed Indie author, I thought I would throw in my two cents. I think in order to really look at the term, you have to look at how it’s used in other venues. Like Indie Rock for example. The funny thing is that when I started googling ‘Indie’, I realized that there is some level of controversy surrounding that term in both music and films. No one is sure whether it should be…

Writing Through the Rough Spots

Rough drafts are always difficult for me. I constantly worry that the story isn’t going the way it should or that things aren’t ever going to come together. The more books I write, however, the easier it becomes to trust my process. SHADOW DEMONS is my fourth book in the Peachville High Demons series, but overall, it will be my sixth completed novel. I feel like after several years and all those manuscripts, I’m finally starting to get the hang of it. But every day isn’t sunshine and puffy clouds. I set a plan to write 2,000 words a day,…

A Simple Graph To Show The Logic

If you haven’t been following Joe Konrath and Barry Eisler’s epic dialog on Ebooks and Self-Publishing, you’re missing out. Go read it. Now. I seriously feel like they just put into words exactly what I’ve been talking to my husband and my friends about for months now. You can find the conversation in 2 parts (so far): Here and Here. In part 2, Barry talks about how he crunched the numbers. He says it much better than I can, so I’m going to post a direct quote from Joe’s blog, which is also from an interview Barry did with Daily…

March Sales Numbers

March was the most AMAZING month for me! I am still in shock at how much sales blossomed last month. I think for most of the month, I was riding high on the release of Book 3. Plus, I had a lot of book reviews come out on various book blog sites, and I know that had a positive impact. I owe a lot to all the book bloggers who took the time to read my books and review them. Most of the sales growth was in the Kindle store. For most of the month, all three of my books…

Speaking of Numbers…

As of this moment, I have officially sold over 1,000 copies of each of my 3 ebooks on Amazon! I just remember Joe Konrath putting a list of people on his blog earlier this year (or maybe last year) who had sold at least 1,000 ebooks. I remember there being a star * beside the names of people who had sold over 1,000 copies of more than one book. Ever since I read that, I have had this idea that when I could sell at least 1,000 copies of each of my books in a month, I would definitely be…

Lucky Numbers

My hubby and I have been talking about taking a trip back to Las Vegas. As you know, that’s where we got married in December 2009, and it was one of the most fun trips we’ve ever had. We are hoping to go back for a number of reasons. Number 1, G’s bday is in July and we could go during that week to celebrate. Number 2, My Peachville High Demons series will either be complete or close to it by the beginning of July. At that point, I’m thinking I will at least have the rough draft of Book…