The Sweetie Chronicles

Bitter Demons Complete!!

Bitter Demons Complete!!

Yippeeee!!! I’m shouting for joy over here! Hopefully, I didn’t wake the neighbors, but I can’t help it. I’m excited! I finished the final edits and formatting tonight, and I’ve pretty much been working nonstop all day. It’s about 2:45 in the morning right now and my husband (whom I love very much) is still awake working on the Barnes & Noble formatting even though he has to work in the morning. Thank goodness for a beach vacation this weekend. Of course, we may end up sleeping the whole time if the hotel bed is comfy. ๐Ÿ™‚ As it stands,…

So Close…

So Close…

I am truly on the final stretch here! I’ve been working non-stop all day to do one last read-through of Bitter Demons and make sure it’s ready. I am still working on a few pages that I feel need to be stronger, but I am definitely going to finish tonight. I’ll maybe take a short break for dinner and then come back to do the formatting for Smashwords. After that, I can finally start sending out review copies! So excited and nervous! Then, I’ll pass the ball over to my husband, who is a genius. He does all the epub…

Minor Delay on Bitter Demons

Minor Delay on Bitter Demons

I had planned to upload Bitter Demons today, but the edits aren’t quite ready yet. I’m still optimistic that I can get it out tomorrow at the latest. My husband and I have a beach trip planned for the weekend, so I’m going to be working super hard to get this done so we don’t have to postpone our trip, haha. I need a vacation ๐Ÿ˜› My amazing, best-in-the-world critique group has already been through the entire book and discussed it with me, so I feel really good about the overall content. At this point, I am just doing one…

I am a Slacker, Plus 2,000 Books Sold!

I have been a total slacker on my blog lately, and I’m sorry! I really want to be writing a post every single day, so I’m going to work harder, I promise. Truthfully, I’m not really a slacker. Not completely. I have been busy working on Book 3. I originally hoped to upload it by Wednesday, the 23rd of Feb, but it’s looking like it will be Thursday now instead. Not terribly late, but this book has been pushing me, that’s for sure. I am a little nervous about the release of BITTER DEMONS later this week. I’m pricing this…

Hush Money by Susan Bischoff

Hush Money by Susan Bischoff

As an Indie Author, I’m always anxious to read fellow YA Indie’s and see if I can find some talented writers to support and follow (or possibly stalk online). My most awesome find lately is HUSH MONEY by Susan Bischoff. Doesn’t the cover just grab you right from the start? It did me, so after admiring it for a while, I purchased the book for my Kindle and got started reading. And I didn’t stop. The book was amazing! Here is the product description from amazon’s site: They call their abilities Talents, and that’s what they call themselves as well….

Book 3 Official Name Change

Book 3 Official Name Change

When I published Book 2 of the Peachville High Demons series, I was sure the title of Book 3 would be SHADOW DEMONS. As I was writing the rough draft, it became clear that the title didn’t quite suit this book. It turned into something different from what I was expecting. SHADOW DEMONS seems now to fit better with what I have planned for Book 4. I have been brainstorming a new title for Book 3, and I have finally made a decision. BITTER DEMONS. I need to go back into Book 2 and make the official change. I’m hoping…