Peachville High Demons series

Myrtle Beach Write-A-Palooza!

This afternoon, I am heading to Myrtle Beach with my little family! It will be our first trip away with the baby, and I’m both nervous and excited. The reasons for our last minute get-away were three-fold. I want to celebrate signing my graphic novel contract with Sea Lion Books!! I am going to hit 100,000 all-time sales any day now. It would be fun to do that at the beach. Most importantly, the beach always inspires me to write. With the deadline for DEMONS FOREVER coming up soon, I wanted to have a really productive weekend. Because of all…

My Graphic Novel News!!!!!

My Graphic Novel News!!!!!

So you know that I’ve been keeping a secret from you, but I just signed my official contract yesterday and got the go-ahead to make the big announcement: The Peachville High Demons series is going to be turned into Graphic Novels by the amazing Sea Lion Books!!!! I cannot tell you how incredibly excited I am about this. We are all going to get to see what Harper and Jackson and the rest of the Peachville peeps look like through the eyes of some truly talented artists. If you aren’t familiar with graphic novels, basically they are novels told through…

Demons Forever Giveaway Winners

Demons Forever Giveaway Winners

I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who entered the giveaway, commented on the post and supports the Peachville High Demons series! You guys ROCK! I can’t tell you how much I sincerely enjoyed reading all of the sweet comments. Thank you for being so understanding about the release date and for being as excited as I am about this final book in the series. The winners of the 2 free Demons Forever ebooks were chosen by and are: a Rafflecopter giveaway Congratulations to Cari P and Marsha T. for winning the two free ebooks! If…

Demons Forever Release Date!

Demons Forever Release Date!

The number one question I’ve been asked in emails and on facebook and twitter over the past several months is: When is book 6 coming out? Trust me when I say that it’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot too! Life with a new baby is not easy, as I’m sure many of you ladies know! I’m not meaning to make excuses, but I’ve had a rough time of it since Andrew was born. I won’t go into all of the details, but I’ve had three separate infections that have left me with fevers and exhaustion. That means…

Maternity Leave (And a Demons Forever Update)

Maternity Leave (And a Demons Forever Update)

I have wanted to a Mom for as long as I can remember. Even when I was just a little girl, I loved babies and stared at pregnant women like they were goddesses. Back then, I knew of course that I would have to wait a while before it was my turn. I just never realized how long. When I was in college, I was diagnosed with PCOS and was told that my case was severe enough that I might never be able to have children. Talk about devastating news. I didn’t want to believe it, but it scared the…

Rough Draft Complete!!!

Rough Draft Complete!!!

Yay! This morning, I finished my rough draft for DEMONS FOREVER!! This is an exciting step for me, because it means that I’ve worked through the issues I wanted to figure out in the story and now I am almost ready to start on my second draft. I’ve talked about my writing process before, but just as a refresher, I’ll mention my next steps: Rough Draft (complete!) Marinating time – this is where I reflect back on what I’ve written so far and fill in any gaps or figure out parts of the story that didn’t quite work. The length…