Peachville High Demons

More Updates!

More Updates!

Hi everyone! I think I have finally hit a much better place in my pregnancy. My energy is coming back, and so is my motivation with writing. Whew, that was certainly a tough first few months! A lot of people told me that I would start to feel better in the second trimester, and now that I’ve hit the 13 week mark, I really am feeling so much better. I hate to think about the fact that I’ve left so many of my fans waiting for the next book. I never intended to take so long to get Book 5…

Cover Reveal!! RIVAL DEMONS

Cover Reveal!! RIVAL DEMONS

While I still don’t know a final release date for the book, I did want to go ahead and give you a look at the cover for Book 5 of the Peachville High Demons series. I have to tell you, this is one of my favorite covers of the series because it’s the first one where the girl is looking straight on to the camera. To me, it fits this book perfectly because as you’ll see, in a lot of ways, Harper’s eyes are being opened to the ways of the Order and to her own destiny. I hope you…

Happy One Year Anniversary, Beautiful Demons!!

Happy One Year Anniversary, Beautiful Demons!!

I’m a little late with this happy birthday celebration, but as of October 29th, it’s been exactly one year since I first published BEAUTIFUL DEMONS!!! The decision to become an Indie author and self-publish my books in ebook format was a huge decision for me. Like most writers, I had always wanted the validation of seeing my book in a physical bookstore and having an agent or editor tell me they loved and believed in my work. It took a lot of time and hair-pulling to finally move beyond that false idea of validation and realize that my future was…

Wednesday Update from the Beach

Wednesday Update from the Beach

I spent the day today reading back through Book 4 and living in Harper’s head for a while, trying desperately to get out of my own. I finally sat down this evening to start some word sprints with my friends and quickly got to just under 3,000 words, which is definitely an improvement. At this point, however, with only 3 days left in the trip (one of them being only a half-day), I’m pretty much certain I won’t be able to reach my initial goal of 40,000 words. Still, I am hoping the rest of the week is all about…

Beach Update

Beach Update

Anyone who has been checking back to view my progress has probably been sorely disappointed by the lack of movement on my word meter, ha! I promise, I am working! Just right now, I’m still in the whole looking-over-my-rough-draft-and-trying-to-decide-what-sucks-most stage. I’m working through the plot, doing some soul searching – both mine and Harper’s – and organizing my thoughts so I can write the best possible book I can write. There are some pretty huge answers coming in this book (at least I think they’re huge), so I want to make sure I write them into the story in the…

Beach Week Progress

Beach Week Progress

I thought it would be fun to keep everyone updated on my progress at the beach this upcoming week! I created a word meter where I can update how many words I’ve written on the revised version of Rival Demons. I’ve set a humongous goal for myself this next week! 40,000 words! It’s not going to be easy, but I know I can do it if I work really hard. Please check back throughout the week to see my progress. I’ll be updating it a few times per day. Feel free to leave encouraging messages for me, as I know…