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The Royal Wedding!

The Royal Wedding!

I stayed up all night last night watching coverage of the royal wedding. It’s not everyday that you get to witness a true fairy tale! With all the news focused on things like murder and death and gas prices and war and everything bad and tragic happening in the world, it was such a beautiful experience to see hours on end of joyful celebration and happiness. Catherine Middleton grew up as just a normal girl. She never knew she would be in the public eye, and she probably never dreamed she would someday become a Duchess and a Queen-in-waiting. Yet,…

Lucky Numbers

My hubby and I have been talking about taking a trip back to Las Vegas. As you know, that’s where we got married in December 2009, and it was one of the most fun trips we’ve ever had. We are hoping to go back for a number of reasons. Number 1, G’s bday is in July and we could go during that week to celebrate. Number 2, My Peachville High Demons series will either be complete or close to it by the beginning of July. At that point, I’m thinking I will at least have the rough draft of Book…

Movie Thoughts: Battle L.A.

Movie Thoughts: Battle L.A.

G and I just got back from watching Battle: L.A. I really enjoyed it. It was a pretty typical war type movie, but with aliens, which is always fun. In some ways, it reminded me of Cloverfield with the shaky camera and running through the war-torn streets to try to find safety. I guess you could say it was like a combination between something like Black Hawk Down and Cloverfield. The story follows Staff Sergeant Nantz, a rugged military man who has put in his twenty years, seen combat overseas, and is ready to retire after losing several men on…

Quitters Never Win

Quitters Never Win

I am a huge fan of reality tv. It’s my guilty pleasure. My favorite shows? The Biggest Loser, Survivor, The Amazing Race, America’s Next Top Model, and The Bachelor. Yes, I know some people think these shows are awful, but there’s just something I love about them. It’s all about the drama, I think. I enjoy seeing how people behave in different situations. Plus, I like the aspect of picking favorites and rooting for them. Like, right now I’m rooting for Chantal on The Bachelor. There’s just something about her that I like. But lately on some of my favorite…