Shadow Demons

SHADOW DEMONS, Chapter Two: Then Who?

SHADOW DEMONS, Chapter Two: Then Who?

It’s Friday again, and I have another teaser chapter of SHADOW DEMONS to give to you! Like I mentioned last week, this isn’t by any means the final edit of the chapter, but it’s very close to what you’ll find in the book once it is published. I am already more than halfway through this round of edits and feeling good about the direction of this book. I’m definitely getting closer and closer to a release date, so stay tuned for more news! If you haven’t read chapter one, you can find it here. Then Who? Mary Anne led us…

SHADOW DEMONS, Chapter One: Vengeance

SHADOW DEMONS, Chapter One: Vengeance

As I announced earlier this week, I have decided to release one chapter a week until the release of SHADOW DEMONS, Book 4 of the Peachville High Demons series. Most of you who read my books already know that my chapters are pretty short, but hopefully this little teaser about the start of the book will give you some insight into the path this story is going to take. I’m excited to release Chapter One: Vengeance today on my blog! NOTE: This isn’t the absolute, final edited version of the chapter. It’s just what I have right now as I’m…

Shadow Demons Update

Shadow Demons Update

I know there are a lot of people waiting for updates on Book 4 of the Peachville High Demons series. Last night, I met with my critique group. They critiqued the first half of the book and reassured me that the story is on the right track. I have some revisions to work on after talking to them last night, but more importantly, I am still working on edits for the second half of the book. I hate to announce another delay. I don’t want anyone to think that I am flaking out or not reliable in any way. On…

Georgia Trip!

Georgia Trip!

I am driving home to Georgia in the morning to visit my family and friends. Since Shadow Demons is STILL not finished and uploaded to my critique group, it looks like I’ll be working more than I will be vacationing, haha. I am going to do my best to stick to my delayed date of June 10th for publishing, but it’s definitely going to be tight. I’ll be gone until next Friday, at which time, hopefully, the book will be finished! I’ll be at the beach this upcoming weekend, so I can only hope that the beach acts like a…

Shadow Demons Update: Unexpected Delays

Shadow Demons Update: Unexpected Delays

I have some sad news to announce today. While I completely intended to release Book 4: Shadow Demons in May, the book simply isn’t ready. After a very stressful weekend of worrying about it, I finally made the decision to hold off and publish the book in June. Overall, the delay is only going to be about 2 weeks. Right now, I’m officially pushing back the release until June 10th. I am so sorry to push it back! I get messages every single day from people asking when the book is coming out, so I know some of you are…

20 Minutes At A Time

20 Minutes At A Time

I’ve been sitting at my local Panera most of the day writing. I wanted to take a little break from SHADOW DEMONS for a few, so I’m hiding out on my blog. When I first started writing full time (about three years ago), I had a really hard time motivating myself to work all day. I never realized how hard time management could be. I always thought that people who worked for themselves were just so lucky and they had it so easy. God, was I wrong! Working for yourself and setting your own hours is HARD. It definitely has…