Countdown to Sex

I can’t believe that it’s almost here. I have been waiting for this movie since the first whisper that it might happen, and now I am less than 48 hours away from seeing it. For some reason, they opened the movie all over the world before releasing it in the USA last, but they claimed they were “building” up to the BIG premiere in New York City. I can’t wait to look online later and see the pictures from the amazing red carpet premiere last night. I so wish that I could have been there, but plane tickets to New York, tickets to the premiere, hotel, food, taxis, it would have gotten crazy expensive.

I do already have my tickets for the first showing here in the Raleigh area, though. I looked online and it seemed like noon on Friday was the first showing, but when I looked closer I realized that several theaters are showing it at 12:01 am Thursday night/Friday morning. Officially opening day, by a minute. I bought my tickets at and although I have never used it and it makes me a little nervous to trust that I will be able to get in, I will probably still go a bit early just to make sure.

I guess it’s silly to get so riled up about a simple movie premiere, or even a TV show for that matter. Honestly, though, I connected with this show and these characters. I hope to write stories that connect with women the way Sex and the City has. I hope the movie is everything I want it to be. Just looking at some of the pictures online, like this one of Carrie in her wedding dress, makes me so excited. The fashion is, of course, one of the best parts of the series. I can’t wait to see what they all wear in the film.

News reports say that this is the first time a movie has stirred so much interest in the female movie-goer from 20-40 years old. Of course, they should include more ages in that, because my mom is 57 and she is crazy excited about going to see it. They say that the movie might possibly give the 4th Indiana Jones movie a run for its box office money, and I honestly hope it does. Just a couple more days!!! I can’t wait!

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