Following Through

So far in my writing career, I have had trouble with finishing a story. Something tells me that in order to ever make any money at this, I am going to have to actually finish a story or novel or other project first. (haha) I have an entire folder of stories that I have started and gotten at least halfway through. I have not really finished anything. This is not my favorite thing to admit to.

Right now, I am very close to finishing an erotic romance story that I am wanting to submit to Harlequin. It really should have been done already, and I had planned on working on it all day Monday. When I woke up Monday, though, I had the worst stomach ache. Being creative when you have to run to the bathroom every ten minutes is not the easiest thing in the world. So… my story remains unfinished. Yesterday I worked on it a little bit but today really has to be a great day so that I can finish this story and get it out there. Wish me luck.