I promised myself that I would get off of my lazy ass and go to Jazzercise three times a week, no exceptions. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So far, over the past two weeks, I have stayed true to that promise, and it has paid off. I have definitely felt more energy and had some positive changes in my body already.
In a way, I think I am writing this to sort of physch myself up for going today. It’s Friday. There are no acceptable excuses for not going. I realize this.
But I don’t want to go. The period has come and there’s probably nothing that sounds worse to me right now that dancing and jumping around for an hour in tight pants.
And I know they say that exercise can help get rid of cramps, but I think that is very unlikely. I have never once felt the urge to exercise when I had cramps. Usually I am doubled over or laying in bed wishing that I could just rip it all out. Sorry for the possibly graphic image that creates, but I’m just being honest here.
I am just going to have to force myself into the other room to change into workout clothes. I know that once I get there, I will be glad I went. I’ll just keep repeating that to myself until I get there…
Happy Weekend 🙂