September 11th

Isn’t it funny how this used to be just another day to all of us? A day of no real consequence unless it happened to be your birthday or something like that. Now, it’s a day that haunts everyone in this country, and perhaps even around the world. It’s a reminder that even the toughest, most untouchable countries are vulnerable to terror. It’s almost hard to believe that was 7 years ago.

There are other things on my mind today too. The rain, for example. We have gotten so much rain lately, and today is no exception. It’s cold as well, for the first time in months and months. I guess Ike is affecting the majority of the country, and they predict rain for the next 7 days or so here. I would have much preferred a sunny day today.

Also, my friend K is having an ultrasound today where she is supposed to find out if she is having a boy or a girl. I am so happy for her, and I can’t wait to find out! That will be joyous news for today, regardless of whatever else happens!

The other sinking feeling that I know will be nagging at me all day is that today is the day a man from my past goes up against his parole board. I got a letter from the department of the Army about a month ago informing me of the upcoming hearing. He’s only served 3 years of an 8 year sentence and they are thinking of letting him go. How is that justified? I feel so powerless. I hope they realize that serving less than half of his sentence would be an injustice to me and to another woman. I am not sure where she is today or if she’s thinking of him, but I send a prayer her way.