Hurricane Weekend

All of the coastal counties in North Carolina are under Hurricane Watch/Tropical Storm Warning. Hurricane Hanna is supposed to hit the North Carolina overnight tonight, with possible winds here in Raleigh at 50 mph. They said on the news this morning that tornadoes are definitely the biggest threat, which scares me to death. Wind and rain I can handle, but a tornado is just scary. I guess I should go and get a gallon of water and some basic supplies today, just in case we lose power.

The bad news is, Hurricane Ike looks like it might be headed this way next week as well. Right now, that one is at a Category 4 storm, so even though Hanna may not even be a Hurricane when it hits, Ike would quite possibly be a devastating one. Let’s hope it dissipates or something. Wish me luck this weekend. I told my Mom last night that I might float away over the weekend. Her response was, “Okay, well just call me and let me know where you end up!” Haha.