New Ideas and an Important Anniversary

Today is officially 2 years from the day that I met G face to face. We had been friends for a while online, but 9/22 is the day we finally decided to meet and see if there was real chemistry. I remember being so nervous and wondering if I was stupid to be driving four hours away to meet a guy from the internet. After I walked off the elevator and saw him, though, all of my fears about him being a psychopath went away. 🙂 He was gorgeous! We got along so well and had such a great weekend together. There were a few things that needed to be cleared from our path before a serious relationship could begin, but we eventually overcame those obstacles and fell in love. He is the single most amazing man I have ever known, and our love for each other is a kind of love that I had given up hope for, thinking maybe it didn’t exist. Now I know that it exists, and it is worth the wait. That very first weekend, he got me a dozen beautiful roses, and the card said my first name and his last name together because he actually couldn’t remember my last name when he ordered the flowers. Who would have known that soon I will actually have that name for the rest of my life? Happy Anniversary my love.

As for new ideas, after finishing my story last week, I wanted to start thinking about what to work on next. I have a novel started, but I am not sure that it is where I need to go next in my writing. G and I got to talking about it and an idea progressed from our talks. It’s still in the early development “what if…” stages, but I think it’s really an amazing concept. We went to dinner and discussed the idea with excitement, and then came home and talked about it for hours, up until early in the morning. I am really excited about getting to work on this idea and starting a new novel.

First things first though. I have to get to work this week on editing and polishing my novella to get it sent out. Most publishers take 6 weeks to 6 months to even get back to you about whether they want to publish it. And if they say no after 6 months, you have to start all over with another publisher. It’s not going to be a quick and easy process, but I am ready to get it started.

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