Rough Draft Finished!

Okay, so G was not keen to writing a 7 things blog today. That’s okay, though, because I do have some good news of my own to share. I have finally finished my first rough draft!! After a year of working on stories and never actually finishing them before moving on to something else, I have actually finished something. I worked through all of my self-doubts and I ignored that little voice that said, “This isn’t very good. You should work on something else.”

I know I am going to have to work hard in the next few days to edit my story and get it ready to send out, but I just so happy to be this close to sending something out to a real publisher. The story ended up being just over 15,000 words, which isn’t quite long enough to technically be a “novella”, but some publishers would call it a “Novelette.”

I am going to spend some time today looking over different submission guidelines to find the order that I’ll send it out when it is ready. Some places actually have a 6 month decision process and don’t allow you to submit to other publishers while you are waiting for their answer. That really sucks, but no one ever said getting published was easy. I’ll keep you updated on how it’s going! Hopefully I will soon be able to say that I am a published author!


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