NaNo WriMo 2008

I read about NaNo WriMo last year, but it was already over at that point. Well, this year, I am signed up early and ready to go.

In case you are wondering, NaNo WriMo stands for “National Novel Writing Month”. For 10 years now, people all over the states have been getting together online and in person every November to work on the goal of writing one 50,000 word novel in just 30 days. That means writing an average of 1667 words every single day. Including weekends. Including Thanksgiving Holidays.

On the sidebar here, I have put a participant badge that will update throughout the month with my current wordcount. I also put my local Raleigh-Durham area word meter up just to keep track of how the area is doing on their words. It’s kind of neat to go onto the NaNo WriMo website and cruise the forums. I was surprised to see how many people from this area are involved. There are even planned “write-ins” where you go to meet up with other NaNo’s to work hard, discuss ideas, and encourage each other. I am really looking forward to it.

I am pretty sure I know what my novel is going to be about. Instead of plotting every tiny detail, though, I am going to try the Stephen King method of letting the plot come naturally out of the situation that I have created. We’ll see how it works for me.

If any readers want to join me in my pursuit of writing an entire novel in just 30 days, just go to the NaNo WriMo website and sign up. It can’t hurt to try!